Genetic Freedom

OK, I want to explore this further. What is to prevent you and like-minded folks from buying land and doing what you will? You won’t be able to prevent other folks from buying land there if your people will sell to them but with a tight enough community that shouldn’t be a problem. So you can set up an enclave aimed at branching and diverging anytime you want.

Heck, go to some spot in the south pacific or central america and you won’t even have to put up with anyone forcing diversity on you.

I’m curious. When you mention ‘laws’ and such. Assuming that your idea of land for ‘genetic freedom’ (correct me please if I’m wrong on this) occurs inside the boundaries of the United States would you expect the federal government to pass laws that would guarantee your ability to exclude people not of your particular ethnic population? Because I’m pretty certain that would require one or more constitutional amendments.

Far better simply to buy up land, set up a co-op and never sell to anyone outside your chosen group. That has the advantages of being legal and already constitutional. All it requires is money…nothing more. And in some areas the land could be had for pennies.

So again, correct me if I’m wrong:

  1. Genetic Freedom, essentially the right to reproduce within a specific population, is a good thing.
  2. It’s frowned upon by society at large to say such a thing and shouldn’t be.
  3. When it’s no longer frowned upon it would be a good idea to establish geographic areas (land) specific to different population cohorts.

Do I have that right?

Because if I do then it sounds like you’re close to the prize now. No one is preventing you from doing #1. #2 shouldn’t matter to you if sufficient fellow-travellers agree with your opinions and approach (though be prepared for a certain number of your kids to disagree and bolt). And #3 is just a matter of money and gumption.

Really, it seems (I don’t want to belittle you here and accept my apologies if it comes off that way) that your real problem is the way you believe your beliefs will be perceived by the mass media and the larger society.

But why should that bother you? Hell, I’m a fanboy (at 37 even!) and the larger media portrays us as all dressing up as Yoda or somesuch nonsence or believes that we all go to Star Trek conventions and live in our parents garage. So what? Screw them I say. I don’t need their approval to live my life as I choose.

Or frankly, I’m libertarian enough to be considered mostly an anarchist. A hundred years ago they’d have locked me up and waited for me to blow myself up trying to escape. But I don’t care what they think and don’t let it effect my political or day-to-day decisions. They disagree with me…again, so what?

So believe what you believe and don’t worry about what the larger society wants or thinks. That, if anything, is the strength of the culture in the USA there’s room for just about anyone who doesn’t illegally infringe upon others. Or at least there’s growing acceptance compared to even 50 years ago.

So don’t complain about it. Go and try to set up a society inside the US (or outside, as I said) that reflects your beliefs. Hell, I’m all for that if you do it peacefully. I think you’ll likely fail, personally, but I’m all for your giving it a go.


Define SF storm… sorry, I just don’t know all these letter codes.

Nobody is telling me, you or anybody what to do… it’s called “fabian gradualism” or something like that. Suggestions are constantly made and the children’s minds go with the suggestions. That’s not freedom. If one thing is promoted over another, and one thing is promoted as “cool” while another is not, most will gravitate towards that which is promoted as “cool.” Elite people decide this for us. Our media isn’t a free and happy medium. It’s very controlled. There isn’t a lot of diversity in the ownership of media outlets. This seems to be changing more recently, so perhaps I’ll have nothing to gripe about in a few more years.

No, I never suggested anything even remotely close to that… do you even know what you just said?

I don’t care what we “preserve” I care about people being free, both individuals and groups of people. I don’t like more powerful people telling less powerful people how they will exist. Human population diversity, by definition, requires that there are many different ethnic groups upon the planet.

The media rule and proximity rule can be proven. I’m not making this stuff up. It is what it is and it is “fighting ignorance!”

By your tone, it seems you want the whole world to be like that such that nobody has a choice any more. Check some of the other comments with others here, you’ll get a better flavor of what it’s about.

Of course, I agree. However, when we get back to the whole fabian gradualism and all that, what choice does the average person really have. What control do they really have over their own freedom of choice? Media is an EXTREMELY powerful force. Placing images into the minds of human beings is, literally, the most influencial force upon the minds of humans on the planet (I’m pretty sure).

I never said, that anybody was stopping me… Look, you are going through the usual symptoms of somebody who has perceptions distortions of the Genetic Freedom concept… nobody is out to hurt you, get you, or anything like that. This isn’t a secret Nazi plan to take over the world. It’s about Genetics, genetic branching, media influence, and about Freedom.


This is an excellent comment you just made. You just proved some of the points in the Genetic Freedom Essay! Homogenization means that, in many years to come, there won’t be multiple ethnic groups to be “proud of.” It’s fascinating how short sighted people are.

I’m pretty sure this qualifies as hate speech. You have perception distortions of the Genetic Freedom concept. That’s a normal response for some people.


I’ll do you one better… it should be allowed to freely homogenize AND branch. Total freedom.

I’d be more than happy to discuss this with you because there is no way you came to this conclusion by properly understanding the Genetic Freedom essay. Anything can be slavery or totalitarian - either genetic homogenization or genetic freedom. I can easily make the case that the elites that run the media are gradually trying to convince all the “workers” to homogenize. Why? Well, I think it’s easier to maintain the reigns of power under a homogenized population.

Of course!

Personally, I couldn’t care less about race. I think that in 100 years, race won’t be an issue for most of the people. Augmented/ unaugmented will be the important distinction. And for the record, I’m white ( polish, dutch, english, german) and my girlfriend is chinese. Our kids, if we have any, would be pretty “homogenized”.

In the future, the random cards you are dealt won’t be as important as the cards you find for yourself. The winners of the genetic lottery might think that the end of the lottery is unfair, but since there are far more losers than winners, they will eventually be out voted when people realize the truth.


I find it fascinating how narrow minded some people are. There is nothing stopping me from celebrating another culture. In fact, I celebrate bits of Chinese culture myself, despite being Mexican. I also celebrate some bits of black culture. There is nothing that says one needs to be racially pure to celebrate any culture. Except maybe yours.

In fact, celebrating a little of every culture would be better than celebrating only one.

In fact in fact, though it is a sad truth, cultures die as people die. But, as you point out yourself, new cultures branch. For instance, the Roman culture died some time ago - though some of its traditions and beliefs continue into today and likely well into tomorrow. In the place of Rome, though, many other cultures thrive. They will continue intermixing, dying, and branching continually.

In fact in fact in fact, what you are proposing would result largely in conflict and discrimination, even as subcultures develop within segregated cultures. They would be at odds with other cultures, and at odds with the newer cultures vioating their tradition and purity. This has happened all over the world, continues to happen today, and will continue to happen tomorrow.

I thought I made an excellent comment supporting it?

I’m still curious as to how asking you not to enforce your viewpoints on kids has anything to do with hate speech, when your whole point here is to not make us enforce viewpoints on kids. But to each his own.

The problem is that it is not about freedom. You already have that freedom. You can yell about your plan from the highest mountains or, as in this case, talk about it on a messgae board. The problem with your concept of a master plan by the media elite (one of several) is that they are observably not doing what you say there are doing. If you were right, the media would be promoting mixed marriages as PREFERABLE to non-mixed ones. They are not. If anything, they are merely saying that mixed marriages are OK, and that assumes that they have an agenda on it at all. I think you give them too much credit. Making a buck is what they care about and genetic homogeniety does not help that. (Cultural homogeniety may, but that is a different consideration).

As has been pointed out, there is plenty of potential for you to live out your beliefs in this country (I assume you are in the US). If you still think the media is trying to indoctrinize it, then you, your family and friends do not have to watch TV. As to why there is not more discussion of it… there is no point. We do not discuss a lot of things because they are not important, it does not mean we are suppressing those ideas.

As to my earlier comments about bans on “race mixing”, etc. The only reason I brought it up was to jump ahead to the inevitable conclusion of your arguement. You wish to maintain different genetic lines. To be able to do this people must mate only with those of their own genetic line. People will not do this on their own (though it is more common in some due to cultural norms). Though cultures often do intrabreeed, when they are in close proximity they inevitably merge. Thus we get to your arguement of “land”. The only way to keep the lines seperate is to have seperate “homelands” for each genetic line. Now we are into White Nationalist territory. Your arguments may not start as racist, but they inevitably converge with racist dogma.


The principles of Genetic Freedom should be written into law. I have no desire to isolate myself from anybody. I want people to be more open minded and creative when they think about human genetics and freedom. Why should I have to avoid the law by purchasing private property? That’s too “cultish.” I don’t specifically have any group of people I want to do this with my friend… but the freedom is real and valid and should be discussed often and openly.

Well freedom of association was originally that freedom, unfortunately, we were in the dark ages back then when all this was written and we didn’t truly understand Genetics. We do now. You are correct, for us to be genetically free, in groups, would require some alterations to the alternations to the constitution. Things change.

yeah, yeah… as I said I just don’t go for that. People should be smart enough to understand Genetic Freedom… I realize it’s an uphill battle and the fight against this ignorance is going to take some time.

AND raise your children in that population etc…

yeah, that’s correct.

The biggest question here is WHO establishes these communities… who else? The local people themselves. Just like the Genetic Freedom essay says. The government has no say in such matters. If the government does stick its foot in, then we are, literally, being forced to genetically homogenize given the media and proximity rules. It’s quite elementary.

Per my comments, yep.

Well, see, #3 is the major problem per my comments above.

I’m listening…

Sure, again, the one and only disagreement I currently have with you is that local groups of people should have this freedom without having to purchase private property. Note: if any of these groups gather and start spewing hatred of some kind - needless to say their right to Genetic Freedom gets immediately revoked by the larger “world community at large” and let the race mixing begin! I’m pretty sure that’s in the essay to, didn’t you see it?



You left out the punchline… What is the truth?

You left out the punchline… What is the truth?

Wow, that is mind-numbingly absurd reasoning. I can’t even begin to comprehend the levels of stupidity it contains.

First of all, what makes you think that dolphins in one ocean have the same culture as dolphins in another ocean? In fact, chimps and other primates have been known to be outright hostile when approached by an outside group. This doesn’t speak for all chimps having the same culture.

Second of all, well… this is so stupid, I can’t believe I’m actually discussing it… people living in different houses have different cultures. England and Scotland have different cultures. Taking one group of genetically identical people and dividing them up, then putting them in different environments, would result in many different cultures. Culture is not genetic, despite what your relatively absurd reasoning presumes.

Third - no, you know what? this is utterly stupid. Try to find a better way to present a case that culture is genetically defined.

Castaway, you missed the point, the truth talked about is simply the fact that most people get screwed by genetics.

I am waiting for the reply to my post, or a discussion on what sort of laws you want the government to enact. It is odd that in one paragraph you state how we need laws to enforce “genetic freedom”, doublespeak if I have ever heard it, and in the next you state how the government has no say in how small communities decide this sort of thing. Self contrdictory.

I imagine you will be responding to my earlier comments soon as you are very good about replying and very polite, even if your arguments aren’t very well thought out. That reminds me, considering you have a very similar debating strategy and are harping on very similar issues and have joined the board at about the same time, do you know Science Girl? Hmm, you even have the same methods in how you reply to posts.


Lemme get this straight… your problem with us is that we’re slaves to the media and ensure the slavery of our children against their will… but you want to pass laws restricting crossbreeding and ensure your children follow suit?

You’re just another person stomping on the concepts of freedom and raping its name.

You are more than free, right now, to gather a group of like-minded individuals, move to Arkansas or Germany or whatever, and fark like bunnies with your genetically superior mate until your penis shrivels up and falls off. No one is stopping you. Go. Shoo.

Oh, what’s that? You won’t? Why? Because other people choose not to believe you?

Oh? Because the media (probably run by the Jewish NWO) is repressing your ideas? I dunno, most sitcoms I see tend to have white-on-white and black-on-black marriages in them. Shouldn’t that make your beady little eyes water with happiness?

Um, what do you plan to do, live in parks and the streets? Everything you do is on private property, even farking with the darkies you seem to abhor.


Your having media induced perception distortions - read through the rest of this and I think they’ll go away. Nothing you just said properly addresses me or anything I’ve suggested or said.

I doubt I’ll enjoy every single culture on the planet before I die, but I’ll certainly enjoy some of them - I would certainly like to be ABLE to enjoy many different peoples an cultures upon the planet. Sure, even if we were all clones of each other different cultures could develop. Isn’t it funner to have all kinds of different genetics AND different cultures? elementary!

Sure, now you’re speaking my language!

No, my friend, you missed something… the Genetic freedom essay says and I quote:
“it’s freedom for both individuals and groups of individuals, and group freedom is nothing more than the sum total of many individual decisions/freedoms. If those individual decisions are based on ignorance, and they lead to a group of people who want to hurt, suppress, or oppress others etc., then they need to be stopped by the world community. But when those individual decisions are nothing more than an expression of Genetic and/or philosophical Freedom, what’s the problem?”

It’s just HOW you said it… no big deal. Like I said above, I don’t expect too many people to understand “Genetic Freedom” quickly. It has nothing, whatsoever, to do with the media defined terms of racism, supremacy or any of that, yet that’s what you immediately begin responding to because it’s easy to make that association… perception distortion.


I never suggested that there are not unique dolphin or chimpanzee cultures (can’t really belive I’m saying that…). But Dolphin or Chimp culture will never, ever be anything like human cultures. That was my point. The reason their cultures are different is solely a function of genetics etc…

You’re just missing my points… Genetics can influence what culture naturally develops. That’s it. How much it influences it is all relative. I’ve never suggested that human clones could not develop different cultures if isolated from one another.


Now now, I think it does, since you suggested that 1) culture is genetic snicker and 2) ethnic mixing destroys culture.

Do you have multiple personality disorder? You just got done going to length to show that because dolphins aren’t humans (or something) culture is genetic. All you seem to be really interested in (given the assumption, which you granted here, that culture can be independently experienced) is a pure race.

I don’t see how your paranoid fear of cultures dying from being mixed is the same language as cultures dying from being mixed.

… so… in order to be free and achieve peace, we have to attain genetic and/or philisophical sameness?

… so… a belief structure based on 1) ethnic purity, 2) philisophical sameness, 3) segregation, and 4) legal enforcement of the above… OK, I get where you’re coming from. Maybe your motivations aren’t because you hate darkie over there, or feel superior to him. You just happen to fit the description of being a racist for a purely different reason.

KTHX, I’ll take my personal freedoms and go next door. I’m still free to do that, right?


So? A desert culture will never be anything like a rainforest culture, which will never be anything like an agricultural culture, which will never be anything like an industrial culture. The fact that we are genetically different does not mean that our cultures need to be mutually exclusive.

What advantages does a chimp culture have of only breeding within itself? I mean, other than the genetic weaknesses and deformities that come out of incest.


Well, to the extent that we can, we should do our best to care about the genetics in the next generation of kids. I think all kids would thank us for it. Sure, many people would still get “screwed” despite our best intentions, but we can do precisely the best we can given all that we’ve learned about genetics. Also, your definition of screwed may not be a screwed as you think… but that’s an individual decision.

Per the essay the laws would be this:
Laws of diversity are enforced at gunpoint. To be fair, Genetic Freedom could also be tagged with, at gunpoint. The difference is profound however. In today’s world, the “gun of law” is pointed at thousands, of an existing community, as that community is told they will accept some individuals into the community. With Genetic Freedom, the “gun of law” is pointed only at individuals who insist upon living in a community that has chosen not to accept them into it. So today the “gun of law” is pointed at the vast majority of people and with Genetic Freedom, the “gun of law” is pointed at a mere handful of people who have decided that others do not deserve to be genetically free within their groups.

That’s pretty clear and expanding this to your private property example, the gun of law would be pointed at people who just up and decided they wanted to live there on that property. By the way, even on private property, you can be sued if you refuse someone housing on the grounds of ethnicity.

I don’t know science girl… but I was browsing a website out there, somewhere that pointed here… perhaps science girl was as well. I doubt that science girl is even a girl… probably a white male but who cares… it’s the content of the post that matters. Since I’m into Genetic Freedom, naturally I check out some blogs along those lines on occassion.

These concepts are more well thought out than you give them credit… I’ve been thinking about them a year, you an hour… Are you that much better than me?

Oooooh, I get it. You have a whacky religion where everything is peaceful and happy when everyone agrees to it and accepts it as their government.

So, what’s new about that, other than capitalizing “freedom” and blabbering about genetics and dolphins?

Who are you talking to… certainly not me. But this is the internet, and people get confused. No problem.