God Damn It Twickster!

If all you are going to do here is slap one another, it would be better to take this elsewhere and not About This Message Board.

Dude, don’t complain about the one-liners, or half your posts would have to be modded. :slight_smile:

In other words, it was a joke*. Don’t get all offended.

*aka pointed snark–essential to this board. Heck, didn’t you get your username for being good at it?

Oh, and Ellen Cherry, Gukumatz rock. Don’t know about that Idle guy, though. I here he likes to lynch people…

I have actually met twickster in person, in Philadelphia a month ago, and can confirm she is no green, three-eyed monster, but rather quite a nice person. She rocks!

I do indeed rock. And roll! All night, in fact. And party evah-ree day.

Okay, that’s it! I can’t hold it in any longer and just be quiet about this. You guys are all awesome and deserve so much more praise than you get. Even the laziest of you (I’m looking at you Idle Thoughts) deserve tons of praise.

C K Dexter Haven, Colibri, Ed Zotti, Ellen Cherry, Gary “Wombat” Robson, Gaudere, Gfactor, Gukumatz, Idle Thoughts, Marley23, Miller, RickJay, Rico, samclem, tomndebb, TubaDiva and last but not least, twickster, you’re all the bad asses of the Straight Dope and truly do deserve far more than the stipend you receive, if you even still get that mug.

Please do keep up your hard work and know that the time you spend moderating this place is appreciated.

::Snaps fingers to the beat::

Yes, Burn. Burn those loud Hawaiian shirts you wear.

(Inside joke between Silenus and myself.)

Now I suppose I’ve earned the wrath of CWB for having the gall to post an inside joke.

I heart you!! So hearty, hearty much! heart

Hey! If you think I’m going to sit around while you good-mouth these people who seem to constantly have every single decision they make second guessed by armchair quarterbacks with an axe to grind, you have another thing coming.

You mods and admins had better just watch yourselves. I’ve got my eye on you, and I’m going to continue to quietly appreciate your hard work in a (mostly) thankless job.

Completely uncalled for. This isn’t the forum to call people “people”.

Now I feel naughty.

This is a board where mods and admins issue warnings, but don’t bother to say what they’re warning you not to do. Then when you ask, they throw some mumbo-jumbo at you about how I should know what I’m being warned for, and how there are none so blind as those who will not see. (How literary.) That’s all well and good for after the second or third attempt to explain, but after the 0th time doesn’t cut it.

I suppose I should forget about it, but it’s there every time I open my user CP, so I can’t exactly get away from the reminders.

I’ll say nice things about the mods and admins when the warning disappears. An apology would be nice too, but I’m not expecting the sun to rise in the west, either.

Are you all normally this bad at missing the point of the thread?

If you want to shit on the moderators for whatever stupid petty reason you have take it to any of the numerous threads.

Looks like Mr. Grumpy woke up on the wrong side of the bed. :wink:

I think most everyone gets what the point is supposed to be.

Well, it is a rather pointy thread…

It isn’t quite to the point where Czarcasm’s a mod on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, and takes Tuesdays, Thursdays, and the weekends off, but this time two years ago he was a mod, then he took a break from being a mod, then he was a mod again, and now he’s a regular poster again. You’ve got to pay attention to even hope to keep up!

Well, you’ve certainly managed to train-wreck this thread. But I do respect your right to do it. And,
would you want to be a moderator? I know I certainly wouldn’t want to.

We could always introduce random spelling errors into your posts and make them look silly. Or edit your profile picture to add a silly hat.

NOTE TO THE HUMOR-IMPAIRED: I’m kidding. If we edited his posts, there’d be little notes saying that we edited them. But we could have delicious food delivered to his home, the day after it expired. Bwa-ha-ha-ha-ha.

If you notice how often I already have to correct my posts for spelling errors, the redundancy in your threat becomes readily apparent. :smiley: