Good jokes you've heard recently

One word (well, [del]abbreviation[/del] [del]acronym[/del] initialism*) - BOFH

  • Pedants!!!

Chalk me down as one who didn’t guess the punchline, but “got” it immediately when divulged. :stuck_out_tongue:

Don’t mean to brag, but I got it. Been a programmer for almost 30 years, so that probably helps.

ETA: Oh, sorry… you meant could’ve guessed the punchline. No, I couldn’t’ve. But that’s true of many jokes, no?

Not new jokes; but old favorites nonetheless.

Why didn’t the skeleton cross the road? He didn’t have the guts to.
Why did the chicken cross the Möbius strip? To get to the same side.
Did you hear about the constipated mathematician? He worked it out with a pencil.
How much calcium does a kiss have? Enough to make a bone about this big [hold fingers about 6-7 inches apart].

What was the name of the first Russian computer programmer?

Onovon Ovanov

Explain, please? :o

On off on off on off … The vacuum-tube switches corresponding to a binary sequence 101010?

There are 10 kinds of people that understand that joke.

Thanks to you and the others who explained it.

Another one:

Three statisticians go hunting. As they’re walking through the woods, rifles in hand, a deer runs nearby.

One statistitican shoots just ahead of the deer.

The second shoots just behind it.

The third shouts, “We got it!”

True story. In a small town in Alaska, there were two murders of spouses over the period of less than a year. In both cases, the victim was wrapped in a plastic tarp and dumped. The male killed by his wife was wrapped in a green tarp and dumped in the back yard, which “nosy” neighbors reported to police. The woman murdered by her husband was wrapped in a blue tarp, weighted with chain and anchor, and dumped off a dock.

During the husband’s murder trial over the latter incident, the prosecutor brought out the fact that various jokes were making the rounds locally:

–There’s now a three-day waiting period on buying a tarp in town.

–Green if for boys; blue is for girls.
I’m particularly fond of an entry in the Bulwar-Lytton Fiction Contest of bad opening sentences:

–Beyond the narrows, the river widens.

I love the Dark and Stormy’s

“Gerald began - but was interrupted by a piercing whistle which cost him ten percent of his hearing permanently, as it did everyone else in a ten-mile radius of the eruption, not that it mattered much because for them “permanently” meant the next ten minuts or so until buried by searing lava or suffocated by choking ash - to pee.”
Jim Gleeson, 2007 winner

The Mayan Long Count weather forecast:

I taught seventh grade math. I got it, and I also have the t-shirt which I would wear to school. Of course I’m old enough to remember new math where we did a lot of bases in seventh grade along with sets.

A man carrying a briefcase walks into a bank in Miami.

The receptionist says, “May I help you?”

“Yeah”, he replies. “I want a open a fucking bank account!”

The startled receptionist says, “Uh, excuse me?”

“I said, I wanna open a fucking bank account!”

In a lowered voice, the receptionist says, “Sir, this is a respectable financial institution. I’ll thank you not to use such language!”

“Look, I want to open a fucking bank account, can you help me or can’t you?!”

Wordlessly, the receptionist gets up and walks into the back. A minute later she emerges alongside the bank president, who is buttoning his coat as he regards the man cooly.

“Is there a problem here?”, the bank president asks.

Rolling his eyes, the man gestures with the briefcase and answers, “Yeah. I got three million dollars here and I want to open a fucking bank account!”

The bank president recoils in shock: “And this bitch is giving you trouble?!”

I thought that sounded familiar. That’s our own Boyo Jim!

Colour me impressed! That’s my favourite by far!

Wow, thank you! I am honored.

Did you hear about the Buddhist who went into a burger joint and asked the guy behind the counter to make him one with everything? :smiley:

And when he asked for his change, the counter guy said “Change must come from within.”

A beautiful woman is sunbathing nude on the roof of her high-rise when she slips and falls over the railing. She plummets three stories and is miraculously caught by a guy standing out on his balcony.

Neither one can believe their good fortune. They stare at each other for a moment before the guy asks “Do you suck?”

The woman gives a nervous laugh and says “No!” So the guy drops her.

She falls another three stories and is caught again. This time, the guy asks “Do you fuck?”

She says “No!” and gets dropped again.

She falls another three stories and is caught again. This time, she cries “I FUCK! I SUCK!”

The guy says “Slut!” and drops her.