Got Skyrim and I'm very disappointed

All of the Bioware games have the issue of wooden characters and the disneyland theme ride environments.

Everyone always stands in the same place, looping through the same animations, it’s like walking through the Pirates of the Caribbean attraction. I can see how a game like Skyrim can seem miles more advanced in that regard - even though moving NPC’s can sometimes become annoying when you’re trying to find one to complete a quest, and ofcourse, every Bethesda game has had disappearing/dying NPC issues.

I’ve said it before, but considering how much I enjoyed Oblivion and how the Fallout games are among the best computer gaming experiences I’ve ever had, I was surprised how monumentally bored I was by Skyrim. Didn’t like the plot, didn’t care about the factions, got sick of crawling through dungeons full of Draugr, and didn’t like the setting.

Here are some things I did to make the game harder:
I installed a mod that made dragons much (much) tougher;
I set the difficulty to master
I have a rule that I must increase health, stamina and magicka in turn as I level up. That means that I don’t have an endless pool of magicka by level 30 and keeps the game chalenging.

Well, it’s not like I’m picking up every ancient nord axe I run across, but passing up the Staff of Flaming Massive Death because I’m bogged down with dragon bones and nobody in town will be able to buy it anyway just seems very wrong and disappointing.

I’m in the mid-60s in Heavy Armor, hopefully getting to 70 and the perk to make the armor weightless should help the carrying, at least.

On another note, is there a way to speed up conversations? Trying to spacebar through dialogue like I can do in the Star Wars MMO doesn’t seem to work, and I can read the subtitles a lot faster than Nords can talk (particularly when I mis-click and Lydia starts re-explaining to me what a Housecarl is instead of trading with me…)

There’s a mod to make potions weigh 0.1 instead of 0.5; you’d be surprised how useful that can be. Half pound potions are pretty silly anyway.

Edit: Link to mod since saying “there’s a mod…” isn’t especially helpful on its own :smiley:

There is also the Steed birthsign that increases your speed and carrying capacity. Also, if you buy a house quickly, you have a place to go dump your stuff to sort through later on.

Why buy a house? You get one for free after only an hour or two into the main quest. And the containers are bottomless, so you don’t even need to buy any of the upgrades except for organization.

Well if you don’t want to start the main quest until later, you can have a house for 5k gold, which is easily done early in the game. My current character is lvl 50 and I’m just starting the main quest.

I understand if it’s not your cup of tea. I am :confused: that people like Skyrim, yet like “Skyrim with training wheels” Oblivion.

Which house is free? Breezehome in Whiterun? 5000 clams. In the MQ/Civil War, you are given permission to buy them.

Why buy new houses? a) because they are better and have more storage spots, racks, armor statues. b) to have another close base or place to store those damn Flawless Amethysts in case you need one later. But especially, c), because you get a serious surfeit of money later, and you have to spend it on something.

What I read was Skyrim was target has casual gamers for all ages where games like dark souls was target has hardcore gamers and you will die lots and lots of times in that game before you get right.

If you want game that hard but not to hard than get Dragon age :o Well what I read it has way more fighting and is bit harder than Skyrim but no where has hard has dark souls . Many people don’t like dark souls because it is too hard.

A far better example of an in-between would be Dragon’s Dogma. Combat that requires some level of thought and skill without being as punishing as Demons/Dark Souls but still being more of a proper open world exploration game. Dragon Age is still first and foremost a Bioware game, it’s feel and game play is very different from something like Skyrim.

<Adam and Jamie>Well, there’s your problem</A&J> :slight_smile:

Seriously, why are you lugging that crap around ? Horrible weight/gold ratio.

Use SkyUI, enable the volume/weight column in inventory, then whenever you’re overloaded you sort inventory by v/w ratio and pitch the worst stuff. Don’t worry about throwing out valuable items because gold is never really an issue anyways.

Exactly. I’d suggest at least a 10:1 ratio for items. Dragon bones are great if you want to craft the dragonscale armor and etc. But you can’t do that until you grind smithing to 100 and it’s not like dragons are uncommon in the game.

The best money to weight ratio is jewelry. It’s super easy to make tons of money and level your speech by buying the good stuff (soul gems, lockpicks, health potions, exotic ingredients) from merchants and selling them enchanted jewelry that you have no use for.

The free house is in Markarth, as a reward for the easy “House of Horrors” quest. See the wiki here:

Yup. And early in the game against enemies like bandits, legion scouts and such that means leather boots/gloves, appropriately enough. Armour and weapons are much too heavy to be worth it, but boots is good money - they’re only 0.5 or 1 pound each (I forget), worth 40 or 50 gold, and you can even level up your smithing off ‘em before you flog the lot to a foot fetishist.
Consequently, my low level characters all shamelessly play by Nobby Nobbs’ playbook: as soon as the battle’s over, scour the battlefield looking for quality footwear. And gold teeth.

As far as an early house to store stuff goes, I just used the barrel in the basement of Anise’s Hut, near the exit of the early dungeon where you get the Dragonstone and first Shout word. It doesn’t reset, so you can safely store things there.

Membership in the College of Winterhold, maybe?

And, yes, it’s really irritating to do the big quest line for Jarl Elisif and she gives you nothing but the right to spend 30,000 gp on a house, probably long before you’ve got that much.

You get a house in Windhelm after you complete two tasks for the Jarl right at the beginning of the main quest. You also get a place to stache your stuff in each guild and a proper place at the end of each guild’s quest line, plus the house in the quest DWMarch mentioned.

The first is the quickest by far, and there’s no obligation to continue the main quest afterwards if you don’t want to.

I thought the house in Windhelm is the one the serial killer’s using, and you are granted the right to buy it for 8k after you’ve finished sacking Whiterun. Guess I’ll have to go see if there’s a quest chain I missed there…

Oops, for some reason I had falsely remembered that the Jarl gave you Breezehome in Whiterun for free, and had also gotten the names of the cities mixed up the process. The guild rooms are still free though, joining the Mages Guild gets you a room right off the bat, and an upgrade at the conclusion of the quest line.