Has anyone ever died pushing out a turd?

Isn’t that a Richie Valens song?


Isn’t valsalva a heavenly place for Vikings?

No, I think it’s the New England pronounciation for that Sgt. Bilko guy.

You mean my Gran may not have died in her sleep?! Poor Granny.

I remember that episode of the X-Files too (War of the Coprophages IIRC, whatever the latin is for the Cockroach family :slight_smile: ) I suggested that many people must die that way, going to the loo for a number two as it were. My Mum suggested that many people about to suffer a stroke or heart attack may loose blood pressure before and feel the need to go and die whilst on the loo relieving themselves. Any truth to this?


Fiber, people, FIBER!
…and we wouldn’t be having this conversation.

Death while passing a turd occurs from direct stimulation of the vagal nerve plexus in the rectum, which slows the heart rate and can cause death on a predisposed person such as one with coronary artery disease or sick sinus syndrome. As a matter of fact, I remember from my early days, studying medicine, which I later gave up, that we were NOT allowed to do rectal examinations on any patient in the hospital that had a suspected or diagnosed heart attack, because of the above reason.

That is not the same change in heart rate that occurs during bearing down or “valsalva maneuver”, matter of fact there is a known change in heart rate in respiration in many many people, and it is not pathological (“bad”), it is actually a sign of a healthy heart and occurs mostly in athletic people, it is referred to as “sinus arrhythmia”, I should know, I happen to have that and I can change my heart rate from like 70 to 50 or even less by changes in respiration. I have had holter monitors on and a strss test in which I went on the treadmill for a whole 18 minutes without any problems. (that was testing a new stress testing machine on my old job, most stress tests don’t go over 10-12 minutes).

Yeah, “Going to Graceland” by the Dead Milkmen.

RIP Dave Blood

Now I know what they mean when they said Gramps died while laying cable. Until now, we just couldn’t figure out why he’d want to set up his own broadband access.

Betty Crable?

So if you’ve got a big monster turd up in there and you’re turning red from pushing at it, when is it time to give up and take a laxative? When you start to feel lightheaded?

Unless you need them out intact and unharmed, why not go with a coat hangar :eek: or better yet, surreptitiously use the spoon of your most hated enemy, take a Polaroid, then show it to them as they chow down on their morning cornflakes? :smiley:

Then you don’t want to rent any adult films starring a peroxide blonde Russian lass named “Mila,” either.

Let’s just say her rectum has taken too many “laps” around the “pro” circuit…

Ahem. Yeah.

That, and I had a neighbor who died on his toilet. However, this was a case of .45-induced cerebral prolapse. (He could possibly have been straining too hard at the time, but I didn’t ask the ME what he thought.)

Dying while you’re pinching a loaf must have beeen a real bummer for man in prehistoric times, what with all the predators running around back then.

Many of them choose to attack a carcass first from the rear, disembowling the carrion and here you’re dead on the ground with your pants around your ankles, your piehole hanging out to dry about as safe as a donut at a policeman’s picnic.

Had one today that felt like it came out sideways, and I almost passed out. Thought I was gonna’ go like The King, literally and figuratively.

I actually thought of that exact episode as soon as I saw the title this morning, and didn’t post it. Damn.

Even if they’re twins? :rolleyes: