Has Britney Spears manly arms?

Oh my, I never noticed this.
I’ll have to do more research…
In my bunk.

Here’s your historical fetish twin

Hannah Cullwick: Victorian Fetishists of the “Filthy” Working Class Body

LOL what a ugly woman. She is not even muscular. Britney’s muscles are way bigger than her :smiley:

I wouldn’t say manly; her guns aren’t much bigger thanKaley Cuoco’s

Spears has always, on her game, had the physique of a fitness model - obvious muscle tone, but not ripped to the point of looking vascular. She is, at her core, a big ol’ country girl, and she’ll never be a waif. Her options are fit/toned and big/meaty, and we’ve seen both.

Cuoco’s arms are bigg too but less muscled than Britney’s I think.

Did Britney even looked physically stronger than nowadays in her prime?

No, the men you’re thinking of have womanly arms.

This. Even assuming these aren’t photoshopped, at most she looks like she exercises some.

Outside of being muscular, hairy, veiny, and having big hands I’m not sure just what a woman’s arms being “manly” would be anyway. And she certainly doesn’t have that.

You can tell she’s been doing her shrugs in that last pic!

OK, I agree with Ambivilad, you’ve set the bar ridiculously low. Her arms look great in those photos.

Some guys are breast men, some guys notice legs. Ambi notices the traps! :smiley:


Shouldn’t it be Cafe, since she is (ostensibly) a singer?

I have worked very hard to put some good muscle on my delicate little frame and if anyone tries to tell me that makes me manly I will kick their bloody arse from here to breakfast. Not all women are built princessy, some of us like being strong, it does not make us lesser women or more manly, it makes us strong women.

The one where she’s holding a whole pie in a ceramic dish with one hand. Or the one where she’s holding a trophy with one hand. See a pattern here?

Is not a set bar. The average men than don’t works out is way stronger tha average female than lifts some weight.

It’s not a low bar

The question of course is whether she secretly hiding a pregnancy. Is that a bump I see, or a shadow!?

As the individual in question sang herself:

I’m Miss “Extra, extra, this just in”
(You wanna piece of me?)
I’m Miss “She’s too thick, oh, now she’s too thin”
(You wanna piece of me?)

Put me in for not seeing anything unbecomingly manly about Miss Spears’ arms. She obviously does strength exercises and so do many women. A lady who looked like that would be welcome to share in a friendly grapple at the mat any day :wink:

Exactly. Given the choice, an athletic look is a good and healthy and yes, attractive choice. Sure when we met her she looked like a 17-year-old schoolgirl tease … because she WAS a 17-year-old. There’s nothing that can bring that back and she’s better off not trying.

The OP, for his viewing pleasure, may want to check out Madonna, who depending on what point in her training schedule she’s at, can get quite ripped.

Or how about Shakira’s abs
…um… I seem to have lost my train of thought just now, I’ll be running along…

Who cares? Either you like a fit woman or you don’t. The fact that lots of women can achieve a well muscled physique if they work out means that it simply a matter of society, not biology.

You don’t like it, we get it. But why should women care?

I was thinking the same thing. He’s pretty much the male version of Claire.