Have you met someone who didn't know a really well-known pop or historical reference?

And? It’s not like he didn’t know it, he obviously knew it or her wouldn’t have said it. He just got tongue tied.

Yosemite. It’s the name of an obscure park that no one’s ever heard of. :wink:

I never heard of “Peeps” until I was nearly 40.

(“Yosemite Sam”)

Well, then, I guess I shouldn’t have mentioned it. I must have misread the OP. Thanks for yanking me back in line.

About ten years ago I started touring with a band, most of us were around our mid thirties in age. The guitar player, IIRC, was a year or two older than me. He was totally clueless about 70’s and 80’s pop culture, it was amazing what he did not know about.


Never heard of Fast times at Ridgemont High, nor any Brat Pack movie, nor Monty Python, never saw ET, never heard of Big Bird, Sesame Street or the Electric Company

It was like the only media he knew was pre 1940, he was into very old music, which is cool but how do you grow up in the DC Metro area and know zip, zilch, nada about pop culture

He also didn’t tip in restaurants

Go figure


He was busy tipping his hat to the new constitution.

I think it is just along from where the people who don’t know that it is Yosemite Sam live.

ETA: Yikes! Double ninjaed already!

I mentioned David Bowie to a 22 year old, and got a blank stare.

This totally made me Let’s go to the quarry and throw stuff down there!

And yes, I’ve known lots of people who somehow didn’t know about things that I consider major events, even tho they actually lived during their occurrence. Little things like the Chernobyl Disaster or the Challenger explosion or Nixon resigning…

Please tell me this whole post is a joke?

A joke as in I’m being incredibly naive? If so, guilty as charged.

A joke as in the lady didn’t really know who Buggs Bunny was? Nope, not a joke.

Initially I was surprised whenever someone told me they’ve never heard of my favorite pop culture topic, Ke$ha. Then I started noticing a pattern: childless people my age (36) and younger generally do know who she is. People who are older than me and/or have kids generally don’t. It’s just one more reason I’m glad I don’t have kids. :slight_smile:

Others have already commented but Yosemite Sam. Bugs Bunny. That you are laughing at a person from another culture not knowing these characters when you don’t know their actual names is what makes your post sound like a joke.

WTF is an Obama? One of those fancy new hybrid cars? :confused:

I laughed.

My ex-boyfriend didn’t know about 2girls & a cup(DO NOT GOOGLE):smiley:

I met a girl once who was totally amazed that Paul McCartney had been in a group before Wings.

I had a (Canadian) landlady once who thought Saskatchewan was in Alberta. I guess that’s more geographical than historical, though.

I worked with a woman who was about two years older than me. We were talking about the movie Forrest Gump and she told me, she had to ask her husband, “What’s Watergate?” Evidently he stared at her in shock (much as I did) and explained it to her. I told her, “How can you not know that?” She said, “Hey, I didn’t pay attention in school. I hated it.”

I also had a classmate like upthread that asked if Martin Luther and MLK were related, when we were learning about the Protestant Reformation. The teacher replied that he didn’t really think so. Her response: “Then why do they have the same name?”

I had a girlfriend in college who didn’t get a Gilligan’s Island reference. Then she got mad that I judged her.

Or know how to spell “Bugs.”
And this one’s about me: A few years ago our chorus did a show of music from the 80s. The only ones that were familiar to me were some from a medley of themes from TV shows. I just didn’t listen to pop music from the 80s (or since, for that matter). Frankly, I don’t think I missed anything.