How can Casey Anthony go back to living a normal life? (Living life after a high-profile event)

Also from the cite:

Is this meant to be an argument against her future prospects, what value they will have and how popular they might be?

A porn producer cashed in on a tiny piece of her current newsworthiness by just mentioning her name - and now he’s in the news too and being quoted on message boards.

If he can make news by just saying he thought about hiring her and then decided not to, with no involvement from her in any of it, imagine how much news someone will make when she is actually involved in their project.

American entertainment can be pretty vulgar sometimes, but I’m pretty skeptical people would tune in to watch a woman who most people think murdered a toddler. Even the pornographer quoted above seems to realize showcasing child-murderers is a bit much for the American public.

My guess is she’ll either change her name and appearance, move and end up as a secretary or something unremarkable and keep a low profile like the people Susann mentions, or she’ll be unable to control her compulsion for crafting poorly conceived lies and drift in and out of jail for various minor frauds, with the media taking less and less note with each new episode.

I guess we could always ask her.

It is practically a given that there will be many, many “The Real Casey Anthony Stories”, “behind the scenes looks at…”, “inside interviews”, etc even before any larger-scale book or movie type deals. They will generate a lot of immediate income.

Having been acquitted she is free to negotiate and cash in on them for the future any way she chooses. My guess is there will be offers much bigger than porn or reality TV in her immediate future.

She will not be on parole. She will be released next week after having served her entire sentence counting time served and good behavior. There are no conditions on her release.

She is still on 1 year probation for a hot check writing charge or something like that however so it’s true she couldn’t disappear immediately even if she wanted to. Once she completes that probation she’s free to travel anywhere she wants.

This is hilarious. Who wouldn’t buy a comedy memoir/dating advice book by Casey Anthony? The perfect stocking stuffer.

How about a manual entitled “The Anesthesiologist’s Guide to Baby-Sitting”?

I don’t think she will ever have a normal life. She is a compulsive but not very competent liar, with no job skills and a criminal record. Nobody will hire her. Her only chance is to capitalize on a book deal to pay off her legal bills and the suits she will have to settle. Then the inevitable descent into alcoholism. In five years she will have lost her looks, which are her only asset. Petty crime does not pay very well.

She’s a sociopathic fuck-up. Those kinds of people don’t have very good lives. Best thing she could do for the universe is get her tubes tied so she doesn’t produce any more victims.


She could write a book about how she did it, which would sell like hot cakes, I’m sure, and there is nothing the judiciary could do about it.

I guess she’ll access the easy money, as long as it’s coming in, and live without consequence or regard to how others perceive her. She’ll get to thinking she actually is smarter than everyone else, and go to far, again. (Not unlike OJ)

If she is pursued civilly for defamation (made up nanny), recovery of the search costs for being mislead and having their resources misused, etc. She could find that sweet fame money won’t go nearly far enough to cover the lifestyle see now feels entitled too. That’s likely when she’ll get into more trouble.

And when she’s next in court, for whatever fraud she commits, they’ll take the opportunity to throw the book at her.

Jimmy Carter seems to be living a fairly normal life these days. He even stayed in the public eye!

All kidding aside, not being in the US I hadn’t heard of Casey Anthony before this week, but coincidentally, the same day her verdict was announced, another high-profile verdict was announced around here. A former cardiologist at the Saint-Jérôme hospital was declared not criminally responsible of killing his two children by reason of his mental state at the time of the acts. This verdict sparked reactions that, AFAICT from afar, seem similar to the ones to the Anthony verdict.

I’ve been asking myself the same question as the OP. This cardiologist will probably soon be released after undergoing some psychological tests, which will presumably show that he is now not a danger to anyone. But plenty of people in the population are positively pissed about it. And in his case it was never in question that he did kill his children, just that his mental state was such that he couldn’t be held responsible for it. And, he seemed to have more of a life than Anthony before the event happened, being a medical doctor. What will happen to him isn’t clear at all.


David Westerfield.


If she wants to stir the pot, being seen buying a home pregnancy test or applying for a permit to run a daycare would be a coupla ways.

I hope Casey’s book devotes a great deal of space to this. If anyone should be shunned or castigated, if anyone’s sponsors should be boycotted, Nancy Grace is at the very top of the list. Promoting the downfall of Nancy and her cohorts would be a fine career choice.

She could always go theTerri Moulton Horman route - which is to completely go into hiding in a small town. I don’t know if that’s Anthony’s personality though. And Horman’s parents seem to support her somewhat. I don’t know if that will happen for Anthony.

What would a book by her even consist of? Most of what she’s had to say has already been proved to be lies and she’s been found guilty of those. She’s never offered up any kind of explanation for her behavior. She’s just clamed up and let the otherside try to “prove it” without even having to put up a defense.
It have to be a self incriminating account of what really happened (don’t hold your breath), a new made up version of what happened (does anybody really want to read a new pack of lies?), or be a vague collection of anecdotes about her life that have nothing to do with the case (probably).
And how would she make any money with a movie deal? They don’t need her permission to make a movie and there’s nothing she could tell them (or would be willing to tell them) that they would put in the movie.

See, I forgot.:slight_smile:

Casey is not going to make lots of money from this. She had to sign her media rights over to Jose Baez when she ran out of money; all she’ll make is whatever interview fees she can negotiate.

No, but she is on probation, so she’ll need permission from her probation officer at the very least to leave the country, and most likely the judge as well (depending on the terms of probation).

Can you provide cites for this stuff?

Not for the media rights agreement. It’s something we discussed in class. As to probation, yes (it’s from her previous conviction/plea on check fraud charges).

Your link is pretty old. The way I understand it she has already served her probation on the check charges while in jail.

Guess we’ll just have to take your classmates word for it that her lawyers coerced her into signing away her future earnings.

Casey Anthony is totally small potatoes compared to Karla Homolka who, by pretty much any definition, is a serial killer with her first victim being her younger sister. She might actually be history’s greatest monster although not likely.

She’s changed her name, hooked up with a woman she met in prison and is living in a small town somewhere with the town’s residents none the wiser.

If Casey Anthony wants to disappear, it would be easy - she’s decent looking, just change her name and hook up with someone who has a weird fetish who wants to look after her. No job needed, no education, nothing.

Actually, yes, you’re right. Looks like her probation term was up as of 01/24/11.

Not my classmates’, the instructor’s. He’s a Florida circuit judge.