How many US people born in 1927 still alive?

Mom 1913
Dad 1913

Still dead!

I believe that Generalissimo Francisco Franco (1892) is also still dead.

Welcome to the SD Seniors club, Smoky. You beat Geoff and me by two years. :slight_smile:

1927 folks also would have been 23-26 for korean war, plenty of shortened lifespans there, the vast majority of them male.

How else are we going to count them?

More than 1000 WWII vets were dying every day in 2008. My dad was born in 1927 and missed the war by a year. He went in the Navy in 48. He died last August.,2933,357941,00.html?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+foxnews%2Fnational+(Text+-+National)

The man who acted the role of father in my life was born in 1927 and is still doing great.

(He was in basic training in the navy and expecting to ship into the Pacific when Japan surrendered).

So, we’re up to like 20, at least.

I opened this thread out of curiosity 'cause my mom was born in 1927 but died from cancer in 1986, so she wasn’t really a useful data point. (But a great mom nevertheless.) Then, when I saw the thread was a zombie to which the OP hasn’t posted in a couple of years, I got worried about him.

Happily, his profile indicates he was logged in today. So, yay! He still fits the condition. :slight_smile: