How much do I have to pay you to take Sheldon Cooper (Big Bang Theory) as your roommate?

100k a month and house space for my entire family (four bedrooms would do with one being very large with an in suite bathroom fitting of the description of “luxurious” in the OP), because the pay means nothing if I don’t have my husband around and he insists on the kids coming too. No sexbots will be necessary, but I am going to insist on a private chef and a cleaning crew.
Of course, the issue would not be how much do I need to live with Sheldon Cooper, but how willing is Dr. Cooper to live with children. Might make for some good TV hi-jinks, however, I believe it would take some work to keep him productive in that environment.

I wouldn’t mind living with him. I wouldn’t enjoy living with him, but I could get used to living with him. He is honest, neat and clean, and regular in his habits. And he has high standards, and when he gives you a gift, compliments you or apologizes to you, his efforts are endearingly sincere and heartfelt. He is more emotionally distant than cold, and that’s fine with me – I have been accused of being “cold” myself. You’d just have to learn to work around his rudeness and cluelessness. It would be something like programming a droid, I think. He can even be manipulated to a small degree, although I am not generally manipulative. You just have to accept him for what he is.

Not enough money in the world. I lived with a real life Sheldon Cooper, I realized I either had to move out or end up beating the shit out of him. I was out in two months.

I paid $66,000 to get away from that guy. That’s the exact amount I lost when I divorced the OCD nightmare I gave my twenties to. Worth every penny.

I don’t mind him. Yes, he can be annoying, but it’s possible to deal with him. He’ll usually even tell you how.

I bolded the relevant parts - this goes far beyond being a roommate. It sounds more like I’m going to be his caretaker.

I’m thinking six figures and a mandatory golden parachute along with the other amenities should do nicely.

Oh hell I’m Canadian, even though I’m perfectly trustworthy there is no way I could ever convince you. I’m happy to stick with one of the transporter rings you had hanging about a while back.

Would the luxury pampering include the services of housekeeping, including laundry, a cook and a driver for each of us?

What exactly is in the roommate agreement?

Honestly, though, I’d find Penny harder to get along with (and to spend that much time with, what with her poor judgment in men) than Sheldon. Even Leonard functions more like a whiny, lonely little kid than a man (although he is sweet and patient with Sheldon).

Sheldon’s caretaker? Well, yeah. This is Sheldon we’re talking about. :stuck_out_tongue:

No, no, no. It’s ETRUSCANS I categorically despise, not Canadians. Canadians are simply not allowed in Hell. And frankly I don’t see how you are injured by not being eligible for eternal torture. That’s like calling the “no hitting girls” rule misogynistic.

I’m going to say no.

Sheldon wrote the roommate agreement, didn’t he? Anyway, I assume it’s the same as on the show. If you win a trip to CERN for yourself and a guest, he’s automatically your guest. He gets a preferred place on the sofa. Et cetera.

Leonard’s been relieved of his head in the hypo, and Penny wasn’t invited along. I’m dubious that she’d ever hang out with Sheldon without Leonard anyway, though sometimes she does seem to – well, not exactly like – to be sympathetic toward him.

I think the guy’s get laid a lot in spite of Sheldon. If you want the fringe benefits of the girly action; you’ll need to hang out with Leonard.

Skald, I need to know. When you say “Put up with the room mate agreement”; do you mean put up with it in the same way Leonard does?

Because as far as I can tell, Leonard doesn’t completely snub his nose at it but he certainly doesn’t follow it to a tee either.

I don’t know if I could do it or not. Sheldon might be fun in small doses but…

If Sheldon would respect my Roommate Agreement requirements (most of which I think he would gladly), I would live with him. Hell, as I have said before, I would marry him. I think his character is a rather nice person.

Really ? He’s a condescending prick .

In the context of the BBT he comes across as funny for a 1/2 hour. Living with, not so much.

It seems that this man’s hobbies do not include crushing the weak, challenging the strong, wreaking havoc, burning, pillaging, sowing chaos, or laying to waste entire nations. No, I do not think that I would be able to spend time with this man, regardless of how much you would pay me. There are some things that even a mercenary will not do.

Sheldon is honest with people and honest about his emotions, a trait I highly value. He also actively tries not to let his emotions get in the way of logically decision making, a trait I also value highly. Okay, to be honest I find people that let their emotions get in the way of sound judgement, contemptable and deserving of the usually bad aftermaths of their emotion based decisions. And as for Sheldon’s personality. There are Ph.ds and even more Ph.d candidates on my campus that make Sheldon look like Santa Claus. Though in their defense many of them are teaching weeder classes, so reptile hide is probably necessary. At least, Sheldon is usually right and stupidity frequently deserves condescending behavior. .

So you’re a robot, then? I guess that makes sense.

As long as I have my own space and bathroom, where I can play loud music and have guests, I should be fine.

I’d make him watch a Bones marathon so he’s better adapted to pretending to be human.

Only if the arrangement includes coitus. And for that, Sheldon has to wear his cowboy hat.

No money.

Frankly, Sheldon is the normal guy in the BBT gang. It would take serious money to get me to live with any of the other guys.

I’d do it for 5 million. And I’d only do it for 6 months, max.
I realise you’ll find many people who will do it for less and for longer, so I’m breathing a sigh of relief that I won’t be chosen. And let’s just round it up to 10 million.

Obviously, I value my current lifestyle way more than I value money. Well, money that’s less than 10 mill!

I’d do him for free

Wait…what were we talking about?