How Old Are You?

I lie to myself and say that I have a little bit of usefulness left. But in my case, you are probably more right than wrong. I’m 69, by the way.

From reading what you’ve posted here over the years, I’d say you have a lot of usefulness left, if for no other reason than to simply share your life experiences!

That is not meant as snark! We love you!:slight_smile:

I’m 27 and have to be up for work at 7:00 AM, and usually fall asleep around 2:00 AM.

3:00 AM’s not unheard of, either.

It’s my 40th birthday tomorrow.

Huh, I had no idea. Props!


42 in December.

That’s the nicest thing I’ve heard in quite a while. Thank you.

On behalf of aging twenty-somethings everywhere, bless you for putting ‘‘20’’ and ‘‘29’’ in the same age category.

People here are generally older than me. That explains all the conservativism. :wink:

I’m 17.

Related interesting thread:

What dopers were born in the same year?.

30 in four days. Sonofa…

Thanks–it was a really nice day and the year is starting out well.

I’m going to be 34 in a couple of months.

I’m 61, although I still feel about 30. Aging is weird, especially to the generation which came of age in the 1960s. We weren’t supposed to grow old, damn it!

What makes it even stranger for me is that, as a consequence of both my grandfather and father siring children later in life, I have a grandfather who was born before the Civil War! 1859 to be precise; my father was born in 1908, and I was born in 1948.

It must run in the family. I have a 13 year old daughter. :slight_smile:

"13 or Under (SDMB ToS says you have to be at least 13!) "
Hah! I’ve been here since I was 2. Who knows, maybe I’ll die by 13 at the hand of a jealous husband, so I should post while I can!
P.S. When I signed on they didn’t have the rule, so I never had to agree to it.

I’m 62. One must get older, but can stay immature as long as he likes.

I turned 50 in August. As I post, my group features 33 of the 255 total respondents.

Good advice. :slight_smile:

Did I say I’m 53? I forgot…

27, going on 6 and a half.