I Am An Idiot.

ROCK ON! A secret handshake! Now…If I were only smart enough to remember it…

no harm, no foul. :wink:

You keep using that word…

Im such an IDOT, why didnt i think of that¿?

Good god. You’re village needs an idiot? Well, my village is happens to be wall-to-wall idiots. We got some religious nuts and crappy drivers, too. We’re currently having a special on whiners. Shall I send you a catalog?

I just happen to be one of those idiots who can’t seem to differentiate between your and you’re. sigh

ANOTHER goddamn typo? Sheesh. What a putz. Inigo, how about some company? :smiley:

I have to lay claim to the title of “idiot”. Sorry for the confusion, Inigo, you’re free to go.

I’m not sure what this is in reference to, but if our encounter had something to do with it I’d like to reassure you that I don’t think you’re an idiot. A bit naieve and perhaps self-centered, in the sense that you believe your idea of how the world should work is the best, but not an idiot.


Oh, that was funny Cinnamin girl.

Yeah, send a catalog to my village. Did I mention that my village is empty and has no mailing address? …well, with the exception of myself.

Ok, there’s no village. I made the whole thing up.

Idiocy isn’t a crime, so you’re both free to go. :stuck_out_tongue:

(sorry, it’s a take on one of my favorite tee-shirts)

The word idiot is derived from a Greek word meaning “a citizen who does not hold public office.” Meaning, a voter. Speaking from the state of Florida, you have *way * too much competition to hold our attention with this claim. If, however, you’d like to compare “Boy was I stupid!” stories, tell us yours, and I’ll tell you mine.

Okay… you fist.


From anyone else, I’d assume this is a typo… But this is lieu we’re talking about!

Well, Inigo, if you are in fact an idiot, there’s a web page for folks like you.
You might not want to click on that if you’re epileptic, however.

Great Jenaroph, now I’m a *dazed * Idiot.

I did the OP when I was feeling particularly fooled by one thing and another…and another and another, etc. To get into particulars would positively reek (correctly) of over-indulgent self pity.

But, just in case I throw a post out there sometime that really makes ya scratch your head and wonder, “Where did THAT come from?” well, now you have the answer. Of course, as an Idiot, I suppose I should not post *here *of all places. But then, my judgement is poor (and I already paid) so post I shall.


A lot.

Oh, btw, were you aware that hot coffee hurts when passing thru nostrils on way to keyboard?

In fact – it hurts quite a bit?

Oh, what the hell. Send the catalog …

Meet Doloros

You two should hook up.

The offspring could work in the Ripley’s Believe-It-Or-Not Museum.

Look at the bright side. As an idiot you are exempt from being called a moron, cretin, or imbecile. By comparison, one might argue that you are bragging.

I’m the idiot, but I’m trying Ringo. I’m trying real hard, to be the shepherd.