I am so PO'd at you, "Chucky"

I’m not Zsofia, but I completely agreed with his/her comment and then saw this and felt kind of silly. :slight_smile: I should really take less time in the preview message screen (especially when only typing one word)!

Imho, there is no reason to be confrontational with someone who is 1) not a friend 2) has threatened me.

Granted, I’m a girl, so maybe it’s different…I dunno…but there just doesn’t seem to be point or reason to make a big deal of it when simply not hanging out with him anymore will do the trick. shrug

Well, I’m a girl. I don’t have to man up. :wink: Really, I’d far prefer the OP tell him straight out, with the whole group behind him, that Chucky isn’t welcome anymore - but if moving the venue gets the job done, well, hop to it.

Look, people, it’s not my choice whether or not he gets to play. It’s not my game, and the GM doesn’t care what you do He’ll let anyone play, although “Chucky” is getting to be the worst we’ve ever had. It’s a public game, basically. The price of a decent GM is a town with not so many of them. I pay as little atention to him as possible, but he doesn’t get it. We’ve gone whole games basically ignoring him, and he gets angry but he keep[s coming. He probably should get counseling, but his problem is poor emotional control and probaby low IQ.

Then kill his character yourself.

ETA: Early and often (if, as I suspect, the GM will just let him roll another one).

You mean in real life or as a pretend sniper or dragon or something 'cause if it’s the latter can’t you just have someone wave a magic wand and bring yourself back to life?

The first two lines made me think it’d be a Pit about ppl like one of the gamers in my D+D game about 6 years ago, where a seemingly affable and outgoing if nerdy guy played a couple sessions with us, and then a girl (one of the 3 most attractive women I’ve ever seen!) played a game with us…and in a downtime in the session he layed his head nearly on her lap (a pillow on her leg with his head on it.)

I thought they knew each other and it was cool since she didn’t seem shocked by it, but then he never came back to play with us again – and neither did she :mad:.

(He probably complains about being a “nice guy” too :))

And ‘Chucky’ is how old?

What kind of blackmail material is he holding over you? Give him his walking papers already!

If he doesn’t read the rules and expects someone else to roll us his characters for him, what would happen if people just refused to do that?

Umm… IRL. Frankly, he’d possibly suicide his character in a mad rush to kill mine, but he just might try and kill me, although I doubt he has the mental faculties to actually get a weapon. He’d more likely try and hit me with something close at hand. :frowning:

And I’d have no problem never seeing him again. I do feel sorry for him. There are moments when I can imagine him being a good guy. But he’s really needs a shrink to talk to, and some ambition would be nice. As it is, he’s constantly pissed at the world and not bright or articulate enough to deal with it.

You say the GM (what does that stand for anyway, I assume he’s the facilitator) still lets him play? Why don’t a few of you stand up to the GM too and tell him how miserable this Chucky character is making everyone? Is there really no one else that will lead the games if you toss away the shitty GM too?

While on the other hand, this reply gets full points for self-contradiction.

From earlier today:


Someone always does. We’re (The GM’s are) willing to help anyone on their first character with an unfamiliar game. We won’t help him past that. Unofrtunately, one of his friends loves making characters. I mean LOVES it. And he’ll make any character in any system he knows, which is a good variety. The man means well (he’s a good guy) but I really think he’s not comprehending how much that frsutrates me. “Chucky” has no idea how to use anything on his character sheet.

True story of my Dark-dryW (Dark-Wyrd) game:

Session 1: Characters meet and fight a hideous non-existant being (an unliving “hole” in reality). There is a big fight. Chucky is playing probably the world’s greatest martial artist (let’s say this was not a low-powered game). Ok, things go well, and the characters are introduced to another world to visit.

Session 2: Chucky’s character gets sold into slavery while drunk. Why he loves to talk about how drunk his character gets I don’t know. We are all quite pissed at the player who sold Chucky, but that’s another issue. Chucky gets into ludicrous amounts of trouble while enslaved, finally getting the shit kicked out of him when he challenges an entire temple of Odin-priests. It did not go well. Mr. :“I’m a badass” runs away like a little girl.

He runs, in fact, almost straight to the dimensional exit despite knowing the enemy would kill him. Demonic Assassin sent after the party tosses him away like asmall fish unworth the effort, as he was whining and babbling about how he wanted to go home and not have anything to do with this magic crap. Given that he was walking around using mega-whielwind and death touch, I don’t think he had a leg to stand on. In fact, he didn’t, since his badass had both broken.

After that, well, the idiot walked right into it. After refusing the offer to teach martial arts to the poewrs of evil, he immediately accepts a job on suspiciously similar terms to make pizza in “Malebranche” Italy. That is, “Evil-Claws”.

Session 3: As this was before we really realized how much an asstard he was, the other GM helped him make a new character. Now, this armor had everything - all kinds of attacks, defenses, and cool abilities, most of them nonlethal. It wasn’t bad on offense, just not ludicrously overwhelming. Overall, a fun and interesting character, one I’d very much enjoy playing. I may put the character sheet online sometime.

Chucky played a character with power armor one game, and after doing something stupid and killing off a buncha marines who were defending him, wound up in another dimension. Of course, while blinded, he didn’t bother to use the Stasis Field, Stun Ray, Taser, Gas Grenades, or anything else. He just unloaded with heavy machine guns in all directions. But alright. Chucky gets with the party and things go well.

Session 4: Chucky comes in and begins killing things. In fact, he displays grotesque evil while in the pits of hell itself. He attacks some crows with a gargantuanly powerful gun given that they had about 4 HP each. (Hey, the ever-flowing battlefield of hell is a fantastic feast to the carrion eaters, who regard as a special kind of wonderful afterlife filled with tasty treats :smiley: ). A slightly confused superhero showed up and thought he was a villain. Mr. battle-armor immediately attempted to use the most vicious killing attacks available. Some other crap happened and he wound up massacring poor souls damned to fight forever on the battlefields of Tarterus. By this point, I declared that he was so evil that the powrs of darkness draggd him off a willing servant.

Session 5: Many people show up to the game for the first time. Someone else had already arrived early, and lacking time for character creation, used the martial artist. Chucky wants to bring back the martial artist. Guess who played theirs most sensibly?

Session 6: Chucky playing the martial artist. Was sane this session. Forgot how to use most of his abilities. Anoter peeps showed up and used the Powrr-Armor dude, playing him like a somewhat silly but very amusing Supervillain. He uses in the first session more disparate powers and abilites on the (unchanged) character sheet that Chucky did all the time he had the power-armor dude.

Session 7: He was annoyed someone made a saving throw twice in a row, so massacred him, massacred the environmental detox team, killed a bunch of Hazmat cleaners by pushing them into vats of acid, radioactive goop, etc. He then went on a public rampage, slaughtering random people with his ranged death touch. (He actually used it far more times than was available, but never bothered to note this. The rest fo the party, whom he had abandoned to work as a security guard, insisting I play him doing this, catches up and tries to capture him (power-armor dude wanted him as a villain sidekick… and the player wanted to stop the rampage). He suicides.

Session 8+: I won’t even go into this in detail. He got a cyborg death machine character from someone, and proceeded to abuse it horribly. Everytime I was hitting my stride and making an interesting game, he’d start using titanic explosives. Most of the time, he set them off accidentally by using ludicrous arrays of firepower with no consideration for things like “booby traps” or “dead-mans-switches”. He kills hostages, often before learning of them, and generally cheats his HP by never noting damage. I do not find out about this until later. Apparently, he decided I was “picking on him.” :rolleyes:

Eventually, the game grinds to a halt because every time I start a plot, any plot, about anything, he takes a giant bomb and suicides. By this point I stopped caring whether or not he actually got his hands on firepower. He was pissed off if he killed the enemies easily, pissed off if they put up a fight. Any fight. Pissed if he was with the party, which was never for long, and pissed if no one was around to sae his sorry ass. Pissed if he never got to use skills, and yet never actually tried to use any of them.

Somewhere between a 3 word fragment and a 50,000 word dissertation on role-playing etiquette is a length and degree of detail that will make me happy. Since I know you want to make me happy, and a BJ is probably out of the question, it’s up to you to experiment.

GM is game master. The person who runs the game, makes rule calls etc. (Though I only ever played Word of Darkness games, not D&D where the equivalent is the ST or Storyteller).

To the OP, you really should discuss this with the others then, and especially your GM.This sort of bullshit is the reason I stopped going to one game regularly (I’d turn up at times to hang out with people, because seriously that’s what we did… we’d sit and visit while the rules lawyers argued with the ST’s until we were nigh senseless from boredom).

If he’s such a miserable influence and everyone else agrees, you should all get together and ask him to leave.

I’ve seen good ST’s do the exact same thing because it wasn’t worth alienating the other players and one or two people ruining the fun for everyone until everyone gets tired of the crap and gives up completely.

He’s a very good GM. He’s so mellow they could roll up his hair and smoke it for a good buzz. He is starting to get pissed, which is why we’re moving the game at least one night a week. And frankly, most people around here do not give a shit about the games. They’ll complain if no one runs one, but they’ll simlpy accept anything which comes down the line. I don’t want to, but they’ll eat shit every day instead of steak… every day.

Frankly, most of them are so mindless I have to tell them what to do. Otherwise, they just sit there and mindlessly follow the plot threads. Plus, one of our plaers has half-lost his voice. Others have trouble making it. My old friends are mostly gone. It’s just not the same group anymore. I’ve even considered giving up role-playing altogether.

Five Geek Social Fallacies. This is a classic example of Fallacy 1: Ostracizers Are Evil:

"…in its pathological form, GSF1 prevents its carrier from participating in – or tolerating – the exclusion of anyone from anything, be it a party, a comic book store, or a web forum, and no matter how obnoxious, offensive, or aromatic the prospective excludee may be.

As a result, nearly every geek social group of significant size has at least one member that 80% of the members hate, and the remaining 20% merely tolerate."

Wow, that’s so incredibly on-target I don’t even have words to express it.

So what do you think the chances are of Chucky actually doing you physical harm should you ask him to leave? Is it a 100% certainty, or 50%, or 2%? And realistically, what sort of damage do you think he’d do? Would he likely kill you, or put you in the hospital, or just punch you in the arm?

What would happen if you tried to get him to improve his game play? (From your description, it sounds like he’s not big on self-improvement.)

Not to hijack the thread any, but this would not be the first person who beleived invisibility went hand in hand with insubtantiality (ie unable to touch anything or be touched). That would explain the confusion.

You know, just because he said he’d be your “friend till the end” doesn’t mean you have to be his.