I don't see how you can leave God out of this conflict in Syria

Clearly that’s not true. You can tell us where you heard it, who said it, and in what context. For all we know you found this prophecy in the Word Jumble by holding the paper upside-down and squinting.

Missed what? That’s literally the first time “Hamas” was used in this thread. Was I supposed to read your mind to figure out what you are on about?

I think I’ll stand with the firm position I took in post #4.

This does sound exciting!
In the white trunks: the God of Israel and the God of (Sarah’s handmaiden’s child) Ishmael (Abu Bakr’ faction), with the Baby Jesus cheering them on.
In the black trunks: Ahura Mazda and Allah the Most Merciful, cheered on by the 12th Imam, atheists and, perhaps, avatars of Vishnu.

Who has cable rights? Will the Wiccans be taking sides, or are they just selling peanuts and hotdogs to the spectators?

Perfect! Your advisors haven’t gotten back to you on whether Obamacare is Socialist medicine or anti-Socialist, so you cover both bases. Brilliant!
ETA: IIRC, Gog and Magog are still locked up at Guantanamo from Bush’s adventure. Perhaps they should be brought out for this epic match.

no , you had to use the bible code software on his post to pull that out.

don’t you know anything ?

Did you trust Dubya when he ran up the national debt with two wars?
Do you trust the GOP not to gut or destroy Medicare/SS if they privatize it?

Well, I sent him an invitation, but he’s a no-show. I didn’t leave him out, he decided not to participate.

That’s the problem with gods. You can’t tell 'em what to do.

Doesn’t sound like Isaiah or Jeremiah. Could you give me chapter and verse, or at least the name of the prophet?

I think it’s a law that all popular fantasy has to have a prophecy. Double effective if it’s a self-fulfilling one.

I found the prophecy using Google! It was made here, two hours ago, and on at least one other site 12 hours ago. It’s a Rosh Hashanah Miracle!

This is incomprehensible and it’s copy and pasted? No. Just no.