I have a spider living in my window

Thanks Lynn. That spider doesn’t look quite like the one in my window but close. I periodically open the window to see if it wants to leave—but it doesn’t—or if something tasty will come in—which sometimes happens, I suppose, since I occasionally see tiny desiccated corpses in the web. Messy web, looks like layers of gauze rather than intricate webbing like the orb weaver. The temperature has been down in the teens and the window faces north so I’m impressed that it has weathered that kind of cold.

I used to have a paralyzing fear of spiders. I forced myself to get over it and now I have no problem picking up any spider that’s in my house and gently placing her outside if its warm or in the basement if its cold. I would leave her alone but the cats would hurt it.

Those jumping spiders are kinda adorable. :slight_smile:

They’re fun to play with, too.

I love spiders, they’re so cool. That Huntsman is gorgeous!

Neat spider but I think I’d have trouble sharing space with it.

I sat on my deck one sunny day and watched a spider spin a perfect web the size of a dinner plate. What a marvel!

Fuck no!

I may very possibly have a chance to go to Australia this coming year…I don’t think I’m going to take it.

And you’re in Florida, of all places! Home of the IHBAK-ER (Insanely Huge Bugs of All Kinds - Especially Roaches*). Looks like you would have built up a tolerance by now.

*yeah, y’all call 'em “palmetto bugs”, but that’s just a nice way of saying roach.

If I’d ever seen a spider as big as that Huntsman, I’d still be running.

Huntsmans are harmless, and docile. Sure, they’re big and hairy (and fast) and if you’re an arachnophobe like me they can make you jump, but if you keep out of their way they don’t really bother you.

If I can tolerate one sitting on my computer monitor for three days, then you can handle visiting Australia.