I hereby propose that May 12 is Dopo De Mayo Day- The Straight Dope Anniversary.

Your link’s a little broken, 'Toons. (Looks like it has an extra " at the end or something.) Here’s the link to the concert info with an actual, meaningfully long, clip. Sounds like a great way to celebrate Dopo de Mayo, whichever day it falls on…


The first Straight Dope was on February 2? Cool! Like Happy, I’m one of the proud few who calls that my birthday. We must have a big party next year. 34 years of the Straight Dope, 32 of Happy, and 40 years of Greg.

Brilliant. Bravissimo. I sit in awe. Henceforth, I shall recite this soliliquy every 12th of May.

Can I grovel at your feet now?