I just watched the "MASH" finale and I may be crazy

Looking at the linked photo on Wikipedia, that looks like Alan Alda standing next to the “Goodbye”. At least it sure looks like his stance/posture. So that picture really must be a publicity shot of MASH saying "See you in After-MASH!"

Go to a place where films are rented or sold, and pick up a little movie called “The Great Escape.” James Garner, James Coburn, Charles Bronson, Donald Pleasance, Steve McQueen.

Not only was there a female DJ in Full House, there was also a male DJ in Roseanne.

thump-thump…catch. thump-thump…catch. thump-thump…catch

Great. Just great. I have the final MAS*H episode on tape downstairs. I haven’t watched it since I taped it back in the day. I have 5,000 other things to do, and I’m tired. But now I feel compelled to go find it and watch it. I’m going to resist, because it’s late, but I will drag it out this week and watch it, just to make everyone happy.

Damn thing has probably deteriorated, and I swore I wouldn’t watch it again, but research is research…