I know nothing about Arab culture, but I feel free to rant on about it

What part of “If I were an administrator …” do you not understand? Obviously, most of it.

Yeah … Collounsbury’s back in fine form and fettle! Feels so good.

quoth Zenster:

(1) “If I were a moderator…”

(2) “What part of “If I were an administrator …” do you not understand?”

Well, that odd mis-spelling of “administrator” in your first quote would be a good start.

Aslan2’s nitpick being, of course, that only admins, and not mods can ban people.

Hmm… I think the word “only” is the source of your idiocy here… Tamerlane, istara, Collunsbury; anyone with experience of the Arab and Muslim worlds provides far more comprehension of the situation than you do.

You see, when I have to choose whether to get my comprehension of the situation from the condescending, opinionated, and uninformed, rather than the condescending, opinionated, and highly informed, I think I’ll choose the latter.

Unfortunately, buttheads like Brutus and the schmucks who have got the world into this mess are firmly in the camp of the former.

I’m sorry, I don’t know what possessed my fiancée’s mother to register on this board…if it makes you feel any better, she’s equally enlightened about X-rays, among other things. “All those Muslim people are crazy” is a phrase she has actually seriously uttered.

Sometimes factual information runs screaming away from ignorance. “Can’t touch this”, as it were.

Gotta love these illiterate and idiotic morons!
Fucking PROOFREAD your posts, ASSHOLE!

You said moderator.
You implied, that as a moderator, you woud be near to banning him. You would have to be a administrator to actually be able to ban someone.


Get stuffed. Please pay attention to the issues at hand. You are being an asshole, I am doing my best not to be much more of one than yourself.

Corr, it’s like watching a board version of a friendly fire incident. Zenster, Aslan2 - from your posts you actually seem pretty much in agreement?

Have you bothered to check in at the GD Original Sin debate? I didn’t think so. In fact, I don’t see where you are making any sort of significant contribution to these boards. I welcome your efforts to prove me wrong. Show me a +1,000 reply thread you have started lately and I’ll cheerfully apologize.

Yes, you … Asslan2.

First Klaatu glad to have you join us and grace me with your prediction. I shall be sure to buy you a cake on the predicted date, which I believe should be, shall we say, 3 May 2003?

As I recall, it is Hadith and not Quranic textual readings that are the basis of the same.

It is indeed clearly discouraged for a woman to travel unaccompanied with an unrelated male, and as I said, this is hardy an Islamic attitude per se.

However, the mere existence of Hadith on this matter is not truly relevant to posing an opinion on whether the van incident was suspicious. There are Quranic and other Sunna prohibiting the payment of ‘ribh’, usually interpreted as interest period, but sometimes as usury. However, my bank account here in the heartland of Islam… pays interest. And it is a local bank.

In short, what irritates me is half-learned assertions based on vaguely understood stereotypes are not a good basis for pontificating.

I was careful, in my OP, not to direct all and sundry to myself for information. I rather simply pled for some modicum of effort to be exerted to actually learn something about the culture and region… before making assertions about what was or is thought/possible/understood in the region.

Now it is clear some people just want to rant on, to assert and the like. Fine, but I hardly see it as excessive arrogance on my part to note that is the case. If it is…

We’re on agreement that Brutus is a moron. I don’t see why any one would be so assholish about a simple correction of misusage of words.

By the way, since I am frequently accused of being an impossiblely arrogant narcicist, I would like to play to the stereotype and insist all flaming be about ME! Or my favorite region.

Oh joy, first he says “Look I have a thread that’s really long! I’m so much better than you!” and now I’m getting cruel butchering’s of my name. It’s enough for a poor new person to have a meltdown.

Zenster, Aslan2, get a ROOM!

When Iraq invaded Kuwait, did Kuwait actually have an army?

If you wish to continue discussing this issue, I suggest you start another thread because I do not wish to create any more hijack-ness.
My first (possible) pitting! Joy! :slight_smile: