I Let Her Walk Away.....

[Beavis & Butthead]

Heh-heh-heh. She said “stuck it out”!

Salem dear, you know I’ve been all over this a hundred times in my head wondering what and how it all happened, even wondering if it could be something I was doing wrong or something hormonal going on with her (I wish it were, at least then I could have dealt with things and understood more), but all I could see was a love that was twisting in the wind. The birthday party I had for her was my “last gasp”, as it were: We just went through the motions.

When we first started she was all over the relationship and was so attentive to me and I to her, but in the last year she withdrew inside herself more and more and then it was just me that tried to keep things going. She enjoyed the sex, but then there came a time when even that wasn’t enough anymore, so what was left?
I talked till I was blue in the face, and things would be okay for maybe a week, and then it was back to shutting me out.

Well as I’m so fond of saying, I’m 53 and my doc has given me only 40 more years to live;), and I need for those years to be good years, so I let her walk.

Fredge: Resumes have been sent, waiting on the formalities from the German government. They are such rubber-stampers and sooooo slow. BTW, there’s a thread over in MPSIMS you may be interested in. A bunch of us are planning a Georgia Dopefest.

Gazelle: Thanks for the skanks! :D:D:D Probably retire in Rothenburg ob der Tauber, my hometown.

Zennie (Man for all seasons) Thanks for being there for me. Wish you didn’t live so far away. I got a feeling we could be best buds.

Everybody: Big ol’ QUASI-HUGS to ya’

Love Y’all


Is Rothenburg ob der Tauber the East German Rothenburg?

I used to live near the West German Rothenburg. In Ansbach.

West Germany, near Ansbach, Gazelle.


Quasi I’m really sorry to hear about your sadness.

Maybe Salem and I could keep you so busy you’d forget it for, oh… say… an hour or so?:smiley:

Coolio, foolio! Quasi, someday I’m going to go back there with my husband so I can take him to my favorite restaurant in the world, Gasthaus Scherzer in Gleizendorf.

Ever been there? You must go. Best damn Cordon Bleu in the universe. Most delicious Kartoffelsalat. And of course, wunderschoen Bier.


Good for you. Have you told her yet that the relationship is over or is she still on vacation?

Hey Quasi, it’s hard to move on but you totally did the right thing. There is life and happines in the future for you and I am sure you will find a lot to be happy about in Germany. You never know, it could be one of those blessings in disguise. Your soulmate may be waiting for you in some Gasthouse right now!

Your head’s on proper though, you know? Sorry Quasi. Hang tough, guy.

Still on vacation, but no calls while she was gone, so maybe she’s figured it out on her own. I know I have. Took me a while, but I figgered it out, yeah I did!


Glad you’re feeling good about your decision and hope it’s not too uncomfortable when you’re both back at work.
Psst, Quasi, don’t look now, but your Yahoomail autoresponse is showing. If you’re not careful, you’re going to get a reputation for sticking things out. :stuck_out_tongue:

Thanks, Salem, I fixed it, hon!:smiley: