I Suspect My Hose is Haunted-Do I Need To Dislose to Realtor?

I once dislosed my haunted hose. It turned out to be mimsy in the borogrove.

Nor do you in Derry, Maine.

If I were house hunting and a seller disclosed that the house was haunted I’d be worried that a relative or someone like that could come along later and say they weren’t competent to enter into the sales contract using their belief that the house was haunted as evidence. Just keep it to yourself.

Have you had the basement tested for mold?

Also, are the cabinets original to the house?

In New York, you must disclose, although it’s not clear that this would apply in a case where you haven’t previously advertised the house as haunted. Elsewhere, I’m not aware of it having been litigated.

If I understand it correctly, in California you do not have to disclose whether someone died in the house, but you do have to answer truthfully if the buyer asks. That’s not far from having to disclose a suspected haunting.

I watched an episode of “Infested” a few days ago, where a family moved into a beautiful 100 year old house. They thought the house was haunted because it made all sorts of weird noises- mostly at night, their dogs acted weird, the walls vibrated, cabinets opened, etc. Turns out there was a huge rat infestation. Tens of thousands of them were living inside the walls :eek:

Long ago when I rented an apartment, they told me they had to disclose a murderin the apartment. :eek:

Since it was half price, I jumped on it. Never heard any moans or chains, though…


Did they throw in a new garbage disposal too?

A friend of mine recently bought a house, and the agent informed her that one of the previous owners had drank (drunk?) himself to death in the house. She assured my friend that an exorcism had taken place, just in case. To which my friend basically replied “oh that sucks, I would have paid extra for a house that came with a drunken ghost!”

We bought our current house from the parents of the owner who died - I don’t know if he died in the house or not, though. It doesn’t seem particularly haunted, except by the ghost of the smokers who lived in it at one point (we bought it as a non-smoking house - someone somewhere lied to us).

A picture is worth a thousand words. (The face amidst the ectoplasm is that of Conan Doyle.)

Bummer. I thought I just had a cold.

Ralph, do you believe in ghosts or other supernatural haunting beings?


I am a Realtor. This question comes up frequently as a continuing education test question for distinguishing between a “material fact” that would impact value vs non-relevant information to a buyer.

In your case the answer is “no”. The only case in which you might have to disclose the possibility of the house being “haunted” would be if it had a public reputation or was otherwise famous or notorious for being a haunted house. It is not considered to be a material fact if you personally suspect your house is haunted by ghosts. If your house has a public reputation for being a haunted house, or even if you have publically talked it up or written about it as a possibility, that is a material fact which could potentially impact value as potential buyers perception of the house as a desirable place to live may be negatively impacted.

Keep your mouth shut and no worries. Chat it up and take your chances.

A relevant article.

Always remember to pay your exorcist lest they repossess your house.

I’m not sure it’ll keep kids off your lawn…

Don’t be silly! I’m sure they threw the body out.
Jesus! Haven’t you people ever heard of bleach…!?

A realtor? A Lethal Injection party? In your apartment? Why didn’t I think of that??? :smack:
Beats the Hell out of fondue…

Thread winner!

I know this is off topic a bit but I recently sold my home and moved into a rental. The rental was previously owned by a close friend of mine who died suddenly.

His daughter inherited the house and I and my dog moved in about 3 months after her father died.

Since day one weird things have been happening. My dog refuses to go downstairs at night and wakes up barking her fool head off at 5am for no reason I can discern…a behavior she never exhibited before. Since I am the only one living there no one else has access yet items left on counters are now found in places I KNEW I did not put them there. Sounds at night have woken me up and it has got so bad that I scream “Cut it out Andy!” and, strangely enough, he does.

After living there about 6 months the strange going on’s have tapered off.

Pesse (shrugs) Mist