I Think I'm Psychic, but..

I’m always tempted to change the sigs to say “Cancelled due to unforseen circumstances”

That should be change the “signs”.

I think perhaps I’m telepathetic; able to intensely annoy people remotely.

This whole thing strikes me as a mundane pointless thing he had to share. If only there were a place for those ideas on this board. The request on where to find a good para-psychologist sounds like a general sort of question, perhaps there could be a place on these forums for that too. Oh well, wishful thinking I suppose.

Yes, you’re psychic. As you and I discussed yesterday via our mind link, you will read this today, holding your eyes still while your monitor moves back and forth and upward.

You are very near me. I’ve been a psycho for one and a half year now. Everything begun when I begun the soul-biking.

I have published this in another site as well, but I have the feeling they did not believe me, but my doctors do. They are such a nice guys.
The story goes like this:

The Story of how I met The Soul-biking Rabbits,
and how they help me to be happy

It has been very hard for me not to be in the Net. I think I have lost some weigth.
And I surely got pimples!
And I have begun to speak for myself. Not in public, but I think it will not be so long to that.
My soul-bike is totally lost. My only friends seem to be the flies.
And I am killing them all the time. I guess I am not a very good friend after all.
No rabbits, no nothing.
Not even dark poems.
O, how depressive! But let me tell You about the rabbits, my soul-bike etc.
That always help!

How to soul-bike?
Lay down and shut Your eyes. Then imagine that Your soul goes out of the room.
To the hallway, out to the street. Concentrate. Walk down the street.
It is first a little bit frightening, but You get used to it.
Because Your thoughts moves faster than Your feet, You need a bike.
Imagine Yourself a bike, imagine the colour and shape of the bike. Take a ride and You will see that it can fly.
Look around, look at the moon, land saftely.

Take another ride, fly to Your friends place. Everything is silent. It is just Your soul and Your soul-bike. Your friends soul will feel that You are outside there somewhere, the rest is only the question of how to communicate.
Personally I am always cover my girl-friend to sleep, where ever she is and guarding her dreams from nightmares some thousand kilometers away. I feel confortable that way and secure when I know that there is nothing that disturbes her.
So now You are able to soul-bike!

How to soul-bike with the Rabbits?
You see, I was soul-biking every evening when I felt harmony, but one evening my soul-bike was gone!
I looked for it everywhere and finally I saw that the rabbits had taken it.
They were coming down the hill, screaming in their silent happiness.
I told them that it is my bike and they should anyhow ask my permission.
The rabbits were very shamed, and I felt sorry for them. (When a rabbit is ashamed, she has his ears pointing backwards and the tip of the ear is in a 90 degrees angle).

They told that I am eating their sallads every day without asking permission from them, so why could they not ride my bike?
And do not worry about the rabbit-lingua. It is very easy, and beside they are very good at signalizing with their ears as well. When they all speak at once, it looks like an annual meeting of the rail-way semaphores!

So we made an agreement: I do not touch their food and they will not take my bike.
Nowadays we always soul-bike together, the rabbits and I.
So if You see a guy biking high in the sky, in front of the moon, with two rabbits on the steer of the bike and two rabbits on his shoulders, it’s just us.

How to meet the local rabbits?
If You have been good all day, helping people and made them happy, the rabbits will come under Your window in the evening about 22.00 o’clock local time. The bravest in front, the others behind his back.
Begin the discussion with the question if You are allowed to eat some sallad.
They always say: ”Of course, be our guest.” They like when people respect their opinion.
After that You will be friends.
And show them Your new soul-bike and tell that they can ride with You.

That is the key to ultimate happiness and harmony.
I usually ride with them to the other side of the moon and when we get there, they usually tell me rabbit-jokes. Then we eat ice-cream and sing a song or two.
I have to admit that there is too few soul-bikers in the world…
E.g. my son’s teacher asked me why Oskar allways draws rabbits and write about them?
I told her everything about soul-biking and rabbits and she said: ”I see…”
She have not had any further questions after that, but I have not seen her soul-biking either.
I wonder if all teachers are really suited for their profession?

Anyhow, just remember to concentrate and everything will be fine. Personally it took me many decades to find out about the rabbits, but most of the people does never find out.
Sometimes I would like to be one of them, just jumping around in the woods, forgetting about telephones and that I have to order the next lorry, all people that has questions to me etc.

Tomorrow evening, if I am not busy and if the rabbits feels for it, we will ride again.
Actually they have never let me down, they are such a good friends.
Because I do not know Your exact adress, just put a red cloth in Your window and we will wave when we ride by.
We will slow down a little bit, so that You can join us if You are not occupied with something important that night.
Be careful with the youngest one, he always gets in love with the girls we meet.
But it is usually a new girl every night, so it is not so fatal love.


If you’re telekinetic, raise my hand.

I’ve always wanted to try that trick where you old a “coin calling contest” with a number of people participating being some power of 2. After ten rounds of the game, you inevitably end up with someone that’s won a coin toss ten times in a row: an seemingly amazing feat.

The better trick is the one where you send letters to a large number of people (again, to some power of 2) predicting some binary event (like an untieable sports game outcome), half predicting it one way, half the other way. Each time the actual outcome is decided, you then ignore all the people you sent a wrong prediction to, and write the next round of letters only to those people for whom you got it right, splitting them up similarly into two prediction groups. Eventually, you end up with a handful of people for whom you’ve predicted the outcomes correctly several times in a row. Then you start asking them for money for your next prediction: you can even give them the guarantee that if you’re wrong, they can get their money back (though they may lose whatever gamble they took with your info).

Henry B - such a great story and so poetic. Much respect to you and the rabbits.

One question: don’t you ever need to stop for gas on your way to the moon?