I thought that was a _________

No no no, you’re thinking of a


those guys that go around with five aces up their sleeve and trick rich widows out of their estates.

Nah, that’s a


Like the yellow stuff you put on a ham sandwich.

Well, actually I was thinking of a


but your


makes me wish I had thought of a


who is one of those people who can’t accept the price on something without arguing about it.

Surely you meant


which is that runny ice cream like Dairy Queen

Nono, that’s


Like that guy from the American Civil War.

Pshaw, you mean Custer the dummy belonging to Jamie and Adam.

I’m willing to bet you meant


which is a bunch of stars in the same part of the sky

While I believe you mean


that was the last name of Mayor Phineas on the Howdy Doody show, which you’re probably too young to remember.

Only a geezer would know that


is one of those boombox radios in the Ghetto

I think you’re confused;


Is one of those guys what with the horse, the attitude, and extremely antiquated ideas about chivalry.

I am so stumped.

That’s my fault, I think my clue was too obscure:


Ah. I don’t associate that with chivalry, particularly. Anyway, moving on from there, I think you mean the guy with the multi-colored outfit and the bell on his hat.

you’re confused


is the character on the Addams Family who could light a bulb with his mouth

Wow – you confused Fester, a noun, with a verb meaning to cause confusion or embarrassment.

As in,fluster?No, that means to brag or boast, or what a windy day does. Winnie The Pooh once had to deal with it.

No, that’s what you get when you wear a pair of shoes that doesn’t fit right.

A blister?No, that’s my parents’ daughter.

Idiot! A sister is the thing that carried away Dorothy’s house.

I beg to differ.

The twister you refer to is actually just the common polite address to a male in refined conversation. It’s also the horse Ed’s first name.