I wanna see pictures!

auntie em, you look exactly as I pictured you. EXACTLY. It’s kinda creepy. Not you, you’re not creepy, it’s that you look like I pictured you. I mean…uh, yup.

Anyhoo, there were some pictures of me looking shiny at ChiDope a couple months ago, but I don’t know where they are. Other than that, I don’t have a digital camera or a scanner, plus I think most pictures of me are accurately goofy looking, so yinz are outta luck. Rats!

I don’t really have any pictures of myself or Dread Pirate Jimbo loaded up, but I promise to post our wedding pictures after Aug. 24. Cross my heart. (My sister’s bf is taking pictures with his digital camera, so they should be pretty easy to get onto the net. Hopefully.)

You don’t look stoned to me, auntie em. You just look cute as a button (and your little dog, too).

auntie em you’re adorable. And yes, I do hold you personally responsible for a large portion of the stickiness of my keyboard.


Iiiiiiiiiiinteresting. Gundy the psychic. I like it. Tell me, did a little supernatural “vision” of what I look like just pop into your head out of the blue, or was it based on something I’ve said about myself here on the boards?

Well, if it makes it any less creepy for you, I weigh about 20-25 lbs. less now than I did in that picture (a couple of months after it was taken, I got a horrible, horrible flu–I called it the Phlegm Fast Diet–and the pounds just fell right off, never to return). Also, that sweatshirt is practically pink now, it’s so faded. The jeans are faded, too.

So see? I probably look NOTHING like that picture now. :wink:

Hey, Gundy, didn’t someone else here post a pic of you at a Dopefest? Maybe I’m the one having visions now, but I’m getting a pretty clear (and foxy) image of you in my head!

And featherlou, thanks for the compliment. But uh… I don’t see YOU sharing any photos of yourself (or your dog)…

So far, we’re all a bunch of sexy mofo’s :slight_smile:

Yeah, those Dopefest pics were the shiny ones. And if a foxy tomato such as yourself thinks they were foxy, I ain’t arguing.

I think it was a mental picture formed after reading many of your posts. I have one for everyone. Most are wildly inaccurate (featherlou, f’rinstance, seems shortish & blond to me), but yours was spot-on.

Tell me more about the Phelgm Fast Diet. I’d be willing to suffer through a couple weeks of flu if it meant I didn’t have to force myself to go running in order to drop these pesky 10-15 lbs…

Lemme try and bring the curve down then. :wink:


The only photos I have online is our wedding pics. I think I posted this link once before, so I guess once more won’t hurt.



Speaking of dogs and dopers, I have some photos of each:


Obi is 130 Alaskian Malamute. I am a 210 North Carolinian Human.

Hmm, Nashville huh? :wink:

Hmmm, building the Forbin Project, no doubt.

This is me. I’m not sure the picture is public; it’s on my YahooGroups newsletter website.

Whoo! I already had a bit of a secret crush on you, Auntie Em, just based on your wise, charming and intelligent posting…and now I see that you’re a hottie to boot! Mmmm…

Um, I don’t have any electronic pictures of me…consider yourselves lucky!:wink:

I figure anyone who wants to see pictures of me can go to my web site … hey, it’s the only way I can get any visitors.

(For a limited time only, exclusive scantily-clad Ren Faire Blinkie pictures! Just click on “Earthshaking Updates” and scroll down!)

sorry its taken this long to say a mighty “Hubba Hubba!” to Hillbilly Queen, but its tough to type with one hand! :smiley:

(uh, now i need a nap!)

There is nothing “secret” or “special” about 1,000 Island dressing.

I’m kinda afraid to ask what y’all thought I looked like before you saw my pic.

Thanks for the compliments BTW.
Oh, and my hair is shorter and more under control now.

I think this sums up my personality well.

You have to C & P the link.

Well, here’s one of me at the last family outing. :wink:

Just kidding, of course. I actually don’t have a picture of myself online, but I do look a bit like this fellow here, just blonde, and with a haircut that’s much worse.


Max: All old profiles were removed when I switched from “OpalCat does all the work and maintains everyone’s profile” to “You set up and maintain your own profile”. All you need to do is register and fill out the form :slight_smile: If you need space to host your image(s), there is a link there (we do that too)

A recent photo of me, for anyone interested:


OK, If I understand the check system, 1st column check = P.I.P, 2nd column check = Profile. I don’t see any X’s so I assume all the pics are G-Rated :frowning: