I'm giving my son a rock for Christmas.

If you need more stocking stuffers, I suggest paper and scissors.

A molecule of your own??
Must be nice. When I was a kid, we were only allowed to play super gently with it because we knew it would be returned the next day. :frowning:

It kicks more ass than you might think.

I wish I had a rock, to wind this piece of string around.

I’m late to the thread, but I’ve learned that if you want to know what things bug a kid, you really need to go to another kid. I have 2 sons and heard the most amazing statement just the other day:

Michael- “Sean! You’re being SO BAD! Santa’s not going to bring you coal, he’s going to bring you Homework…!” :eek: :smack: :cool:

I want a prosthetic forehead to wear on my real head.

You guys are lucky. I was given some atoms and told to make my own damn molecule.

You rich guys. All we got were some protons, neutrons and we had to find our own electrons.


Our parents just yelled from another room, “Get your own quarks and start assembling your ‘presents’ on your own!”

Quarks? You had it lucky. We were just given string. Theoretical string at that.

You guys all had it lucky. The kid across the street, his parents claimed they gave him neutrinos.

I wanna rock.

excuse me


And what makes you think we’re going to take it?

My brother-in-law did get coal in his stocking as a child one year. Other presents did follow but it did serve as an eye opener as he really was being a shit that year/season/whatever. Makes for a good story all these years after and it probably helps to keep his kids in line while they’re still young.

And then there was the year my wife’s family made the car trip to Manitoba and mom or dad forgot to pack the presents . . .

You had string? I guess everything is relative.

Me too.

I wanna rock. And a clock.

I wanna rock around the clock tonight…

He loved the rock. Took it to the bathroom and washed it so it was shiny. Next year’s gonna be easy-- more rocks!

The mom unit was not amused, however. so I’m fucked anyways.
Youv’e seen this, right Zebra?

Glad the Kid liked it. Sorry his mom didn’t. I would have thought it was hilarious. I wish I’d thought of it.

Twin number 2 was being a pain at the local store where all things go on deep discount when nobody wants them anymore, he’s bringing me all of the toys that we’re Cool last year…Star Trek, GI Joe, etc. Finally I looked at the nearest things near me and said "If you don’t stop, You’ll get a rug for Christmas, pointing to a Persian hanging up on the wall. A few minutes later I peek around the corner to see two well behaved twins, in the toy section, speaking in the same monotone voice “Daddy’s gonna buy you a ruuuuug”

so it became the phrase of the season

He’s a real car nut, so the realization that He REALLY got a rug, but it was cool and had lots of roads printed on it was doubly awesome…one of Santa’s toys had some ripped and re-taped wrapping, and a post-it note that read:

“It got a little bumpy in New York, I’m sorry for the rip, so I left you a rug, too.”

I suppose you asked Santa for an electric twanger? What do you want to do with your life?