I'm going to cook a penguin instead of a turkey for Thanksgiving

Dude, I’d play that Doors tune, The End quietly, late at night if they did that to me…We’re havin’ T. Rex. Bought a new chain saw for the carving.

The nice thing about serving penguin is that whether your guests prefer white meat or dark, you’ve got 'em covered.

But then what would we eat Thursday? My mom’s coming down, and I want her to enjoy the local cuisine.

Dude, I’m sorry to hijack the thread, but I have literally not laughed so hard in months!

Don’t worry, my therapist says the trauma should all be worked out in the next 35 sessions or so. :wink:

We now return you to your regularly schedule penguin…

Hmmm. Well, you got me there, Sean.

It’s bleedin’ seabird flavor!

Mahogany smoked Spotted Owl, with Snail Darter & Sea Oat stuffing.

Either that or vegetarian lasagne. It’s just so difficult to find a good, meaty vegetarian around here.


California Condor

Wow you guys are sick, you know that? I could almost throw up my kitten tenders from lunch just thinking about it.

How about something exotic, like a llama? Stuffed with an emu?

I served phoenix once. Damn thing kept catching fire so I just told everyone it was cajun style.

I’m aiming to save some money on my T-giving feast this year, so I’ve been freezing the little gifts my cat brought me over the past few months. I’m still not certain what to do with the waterbugs, but the moles and songbirds will be stuffed and served individually for that extra elegant touch. I’ll be making up 15 sets of tiny paper booties this weekend.

I think hydra souffle, with an appetizer of aborted puppy poppers.


Formal dinner?

If i weren’t a vegetarian, i’d consider going with Ivory-billed Woodpecker for a small gathering, and Cassowary for a large one.

As it is, i’ll settle for TVP (Textured Vegetable Penguin).

In Australia, if we want something exotic for dinner guests, we can just pop out and shoot a koala. They aren’t bad eating - but it’s hard to estimate how much meat is on them. They’re like duck - too much meat for one person but not enough for two.

At this point in time, the two top threads are:

I’m going to cook a penguin instead of a turkey for Thanksgiving


Share your favorite little hostess-y tips for dinner parties

You guys are too funny.

Are left over penguin sandwiches as good as left over turkey sandwiches the next day?
Me loves turkey sandwiches!
