I'm taking my old, old dog to be euthanized today.

Bye bye, Lou Baby. Good girl. Good dog.


I remember how, a year ago, when my dog Abby died, I posted here to the Board, and how touched I was by the response of the Dopers. There sure are a lot of dog lovers around here.

I still feel sad about Abby, and I think about her a lot. I have her picture right up here next to my computer. But I know that she is in a better place now. Sometimes, I like to think that, wherever she is, she’s doing the same things she used to do on earth–sleeping, playing with kids, sleeping, looking out the window for squirrels, sleeping, running in circles to get people’s attention, sleeping some more. Lou is in that place now too. She had a rough time here on earth with her illnesses but now things are going to be OK. I hope Lou and Abby get to meet someday.

Take care and remember the good times you and Lou had together.

I logged on tonight in a happy, good mood, and now I’m crying like a grandmother; and my dog is still alive, though not for a lot longer. She’s big, and she’s 8 years old, and she’s definitely slowing down. I just hope when the time comes I handle it with The Mermaid’s poise.

I’m going to go hug my dog now…

I’m sorry Mermaid. :frowning:

{{{Mermaid }}}

Years ago, I had a rabbit, Freckle, which I kept in a hutch on my back porch. One night, the neighborhood psycho decided to break its back by throwing Freckle down one story to the concrete below. For 6 months I was in a serious state of denial, believing he could come out of it, until I turned him over and found maggots feeding on the gangrene.

The next day I took him to the SPCA to be put to sleep.
I did a lot of growing up, then.

Damn, I miss Taj and Caesar and King…

Our vet sent us a card after Taj died, it was really sweet.

Caesar went quickly, it was still awful.

I’m so sorry, but you did the right thing. Quality of life is as important for a dog as it is for a person, maybe more so.

Oh, Mermaid, I’m so sorry. I’ve been crying as I’ve read your posts. My own furbabies, thank goodness, are young and healthy, and I just hate to think of the pain of losing them. All best wishes and love to you and your beautiful Lou, and my Joe and Roxy send warm hairy hugs.


I’ve had to & did do this. It is the most humane thing to do. It’s very painful for us, & I cried for a week & still grieve for my best buddy. It helps to talk about it. Sorry for your loss.

I’m really sorry about your loss…

It’s hard to believe that the little puppy we brought home 8 years ago is now starting to tag along on walks instead of racing ahead like she always did… The thought of losing her some day is overwhelming to even consider… But some day it’s going to happen… Golden Retreivers don’t live forever…

I think I’ll give her some extra treats tonight…
