In praise of Dopers who don't normally get praised

I always click on your threads,** Lobsang**. I’m always hoping things might finally be going your way!

**Inigo Montoya ** has always been a favourite of mine - he’s another person I’m always rooting for.

Mr. Bus Guy! I feel like I’ve known little Cuervo since before he had a name. Besides the hope of kitty pictures being in a thread, I always pause, even in a many, many page thread when I see **Mr. Bus Guy’s ** name. He makes me smile. He’s good people.

Is Frank an A lister just because he wears jackboots? Because I’ve got some praise for that guy. He brings the snickers out in me. I don’t post much in the Pit, but I’m an avid reader, and even if a thread holds little interest for me, if I see Frank’s posted, I’ll swing by just to see what he had to say.

I’ll add to the recommendation of Voyager and Stranger on a Train. When they post to GQ, I have great confidence in their answers.

DianaG, Campion, and twickster always seem to post exactly what I’m thinking. Whenever it happens I think that I’d like for us to meet someday, but then I wonder if we’d get along in real life. :slight_smile:

I will praise a fellow loser Doper for a mention in return.

**Terrifel **is hilarious.

Wow, neat! Thanks SSG Schwartz! (I’m a girl monkey, but I do love beer. If you get back to NC, shoot me a PM and I’ll arrange another Fest.)

I came in to mention Bryan Ekers. He’s the funniest mofo here. I love a quick wit and dry sense of humor.

Oh now that’s not true. I think I’ve read one MMP ever and I know your (screen)name. OTOH, I’m often surprised when I see a name I’ve never seen before and yet the person has been a member for many years with several thousand posts. But then I spend the majority of my time in GQ, and I don’t usually look at the names as I read the posts.

My person would be Auntie Pam, I always look foward to hearing from her in the Dexter, Sopranos and Breaking Bad threads.

I can’t keep everybody straight solely by name. I remember norinew because of her thread about the punks who assaulted her daughter, mudgirl…that sort of thing. She seems pretty level-headed. For the most part, I remember threads instead of names. Avatars, anyone?

Oh, crap, no disrespect meant, Hockey, I think I am in love. When I get to NC, I will definitely send you a PM.

SSG Schwartz

Wait, I thought you were on thew “A” list!

carnivorousplant always contributes salient information to the threads in which he participates.

(No reciprocity necessary. I prefer my anonymity.)

I meant to mention picunurse!** HI PICUNURSE**! :smiley:

I haven’t been posting as much recently and I haven’t seen you posting as much either. But I likes running into ya.

Aww, I’m gonna cry! I have been off-computer for a couple days so I’m late to this party, but I was popping in to list you too!

rigs you too. We’ve met and I feel kind of a mind melt with you on certain topics and life experiences. You write stuff and I nod my head like “yup, know THAT feeling”

Inigo, Qagdop, What Exit (even during baseball season!), ** Paul in Saudi, Kytheria** who always has such a fresh attitude on life, ** Swampbear** who one day is going to find me knocking on his door so we can barbecue, drink beer and party into the wee hours.

The list goes on, but it’s early.

I would like to state that without Twickster’s Unshakeable Prejudice on People who Drive Hummer’s, I wouldn’t mutter " Asshole!" under my breath every time I see a hummer. And all my friends do this now as well.


I would like to praise those who wade into dating and relationship threads – which I enjoy reading much more than I enjoy posting to – and come across with a strong point of view. I’m thinking specifically of DianeG, Dangerosa, tdn, Kalhoun, – yes, and eleanorrigby – and probably some others I’m forgetting (which I realize doesn’t matter to anyone, but still). I don’t keep lettered lists. Don’t post much either.

I’ll echo King of Soup being worthy here. I even have one of his posts bookmarked.

Dopers I know in person who are just as if not more entertaining than their screen personas: Ginger of the North, twickster, norinew, Weirddave, MsRobyn, Airman Doors, danceswithcats, bibliocat, Mama Tiger.

Dopers I’ve never met in person who consistently give good answer and/or entertainment without being Doper superstars: Stranger On A Train (possibly the one Doper besides Cecil who consistently has knowledge to impart on the widest yet deepest possible range of subjects…I don’t think we’ve managed to plumb the depths of just what Stranger knows), Miller, elucidator, FriarTed (despite the chasm separating our worldviews), matt_mcl, eleanorigby, picunurse, Doctor J. The last 3 have provided a LOT of medical knowledge (mostly of how the industry works, rather than specifics on diseases or treatments), and of course I’d add Qadgop to make that trio a quartet.

ETA: Swampbear and Fairychatmom, both of whom I forgot in the first round mostly because I haven’t read the MMP in a long time. I just can’t keep up with the damn thing!

I’d like to add WhyNot, lavanderviolet, tremorviolet, and ** Stranger On A Train** to my above list, and correction a member’s name to DianaG in case she does vanity searches.

A nod out there to all the other musician dopers that I’ve enjoyed running into/chatting with:

an arky
ministre de l’aula (or something like that)

I’m sure I’m forgetting a couple.

Also, other Wisco Dopers:

Harmonious Discord
Boyo Jim
Rascal’s Mom

See, I had a real nice post here, mentioning Lobsang, Mangetout, Chowder, Sophestry & Illusion, Der Trihs, Martini_Enfield, Inigo_Montoya, twickster and of course elenorigby, but I hit submit around the time the database failed so it was lost.

But hi to all mentioned and all not mentioned (china_guy, siam_sam, tdn, shagnasty, stranger, siege), I’ve always enjoyed reading your posts and enjoyed our exchanges.

I think everyone is on the “A” list, even the grade “A” lurkers.

Of course my all time favorite poster is my lovely wife kjangel, more than an "A"list person to me.

Kudos to all.

Dammit! I knew I forgot someone! You need to post more, seige!