Intentionally Passing Out

Your fellow Dopers were pointing out the fact that it’s a stupid thing to do. Although they did not choose the politest terms possible, they did not cross the line. You did. If you feel you must insult your fellows, you will do so in the BBQ Pit and not in GQ. Do not hurl insults outside the appropriate forum again.

moderator GQ

Well, it ain’t terribly bright.

I used to do it in Jr. High. I was in gym when I got the bright idea that passing out might just keep me from having to run laps that day.

When I woke up, they told me that I had been repeatedly pounding my head into the floor…

I don’t know for sure what the lasting effects were, since there’s not another me to test against, but I think that I have some small degree of damage-- I’ve come very close to falling out when I have rapidly stood from a kneeling position. It seems to happen much more often to me than to others in my age group.


Soul, do you mean you passed out from banging your head on the floor, or after you passed out, you started banging your head on the floor?

We were doing this way back in 1961. We each tried it a coupla times, no ill effects, and we thought, this is a neat party trick. So we tried it on a new guy about a week later. No, he didn’t die, but before coming to he spasmed and kicked and jerked enough to practically make us shit our schoolboy shorts. We didn’t do it again. You must take your own course.

This subject was touched upon here:

(personally, I prefer my title, “Passing Out- Bad?”)

I think I came to the conclusion that it’s not a good thing to do (that’s Mensa-talking right there), but that, instead of worrying, I’d just pretend I’d gotten a single head injury at one point that was no fault of my own, and forget about it all (like I have a choice… where was I?)

I have exactly the same experience, except it was circa the mid-eighties. Almost got suspended for being amongst the group that was doing it in the locker room in middle school. One kid reacted badly and went into spastic convulsions on the floor. Never did it again after that.

It’s a similar sensation to waking up from N20 (nitrous oxide)

My dad told me a story of when him and group of friends did it to this dude. It was his first time trying it and he passed out for 2 hours. They thought he was dead or something. He came to his senses just as they were about to call 911.

Scary stuff.

I tried it once. I blew snot out all over myself just before I did it. When I woke up I didn’t realize there was snot on me. I was weirded out.

Scary stuff.