Invisible Characters on TV Shows

Really? What’d he look like?

Well, they did show adults in the Peanuts “Celebrating America” miniseries back in the 80s…and in one special where Linus and Lucy briefly moved away from their unnamed town, you (briefly) see a few moving men in their driveway.

The history special, though…that was cool. They even had a segment set onboard the never-built space station “Freedom.” (The station’s “Cupola” was, of course, prominently featured)

Mrs Columbo.

''Er indoors" in Minder (Arthur’s wife). Don’t think she ever appeared.

“Ugly naked man” in **Friends. **

nope nope…you DO see Ugly Naked Guy on Friends…

When Ross wants to Sublet the apartment and goes over you see UNG open the door and slurping on a huge drink.

“Susan Richards” – What show was that?

Uncle Ed – :smack:

Ziggy – She looked like a computer, duh! :slight_smile: I don’t remember details, but I do recall Sam talking to her in person.

Who played Binnie?

Earl of S: Tell us more about “Spector” – I don’t recall that name.

He is a minimalist who dates fat women.

A reference perhaps to The Invisible Woman of the Fantastic Four? There have been several TV incarnations of the Four and the character.

Carlton the doorman had his own one-shot animated special.

From Wang-Ka:

That wasn’t the only time. In one episode Carlton came up to carry a door down. Again, you got to see his body, but not his face, which was hidden by the door.

The nanny in Muppet Babies. Usually, all we saw of her was her stockinged legs, and we heard he voice. The closest we come to seeing her is once when she’s on a motorcycle for some reason, but the helmet completely covers her head, so still no face.

And I don’t think that we ever saw whatsisname Mork’s boss on Mork and Mindy… He was just a disembodied voice.

You mean Orson?

You mean Orson?

Fish’s wife, Bernice, in Barney Miller.

Which brings up another point. One of the reasons that these “invisible” characters are so powerful is that we’re allowed to picture them ourselves. For instance, I remember a line in Frasier where Niles talked about Maris running across the snow without leaving footprints. It cracked me up.

To me, a sign of a show jumping the shark is when it brings in one of the invisible characters on screen. Darn, but I can’t think of an example right off the bat. I know, though, that the Fish spin-off had Bernice as an on-screen character.

I thought only Legolas could do that.


And a similar earlier thread on the subject:

Sitcom gimmicks.

Nina’s friend Binny also appeared in the episode where Finch and Elliot think that Binny is just a made up friend of Nina’s, so they go to Nina’s apartment (where Binny is staying after plastic surgury) and they find her in a chair in a parody of Psycho. Most of her face is in bandages, but you do see her eyes and mouth, so that counts.

And I do believe we see Duke, Martin’s friend on Frasier, in one episode but I cannot remember which one. It might have been the one where Duke’s bar is going to close down, but I could be wrong.

Do characters, such as Wilson in Home Improvement and George Steinbrenner in Seinfeld, count? You see them, but never completely.

You see Orson in Mork and Mindy, but not his face. He has kind of a Darth Vaderesque mask and cloak. You only see him from behind.

Dad’s Army - Mrs Mainwaring

Before Craig Ferguson joined the cast as Mr. Wick on The Drew Carey Show, Drew’s first boss, Mr. Bell, was only heard on speakerphone, not seen. We did see him in his final appearance, when he was leaving the company.