Is it EVER a good idea to suggest someone strip for extra cash?

Congrats on having scored with a hot woman, bro. fist bump

Yes, young women are well aware that strip clubs exist and are usually hiring.

No, you should not suggest it unless she asks for ideas or you happen to have specific helpful info (as in “The strip club downtown has an audition next Wednesday and I know the bounced,” not “Hey, you could always strip!)” As mentioned, she knows they exist as has presumably decided against it for whatever reason, and you really have nothing to add except to seem creepy.

Stripping can be a perfectly reasonable job, but the work conditions aren’t worth it for everyone. More worrying for a young person, it doesn’t really build any of the transferrable professional skills she’ll need to succeed in the long term. She may make money, but its at the expense of building on her future ability to earn. Once her dancing career is over, she’ll be in the same place. Even customer service and office support add something to a resume. Stripping is a poor use of early career time in most cases.

Uh, yes. But the OP isn’t a woman asking another woman, it’s a man asking a woman, which is a distinctly different dynamic.

But yes, I would, because all of my female friends have a pretty similar frame of mind to me, and they wouldn’t suggest I take my clothes off for money because they’d know I wouldn’t want to do it. (Which is also why, incidentally, I am not a camgirl.)

ok, well, I agree with you it is going to sound different coming from a guy but

What I find more important is the topic of working as a cam girl or a stripper because you are poor and need the money. That is definatley exploitation. Before I started looking at webcams, I didn’t realize how many of them were doing it for this reason. I’m of a real mixed opinion about it. In general, I think that it is bad, but some girls are able to handle it and also make a good bit of money. Some girls don’t. I’m not sure if there is a real black and white answer here.

BTW - I don’t go to webcams anymore because of this very topic.

Is it “exploitative” when someone works as a janitor 'cause they’re broke?

It’s really amusing that so many strip clubs are called “gentlemen’s clubs” – presumably because sticking dollar bills into women’s panties is so gentlemanly.

Also, per a comment in the OP, I wouldn’t even hesitate to suggest an abortion for a pregnancy as long as I wasn’t involved in getting her pregnant.

As to the main question… since you have a previous intimate relationship, and apparently a long-standing friendship, I don’t think anyone here can answer it. The fact that you were lovers actually argues in favor of it, IMO – at least she knows you’re not suggesting it out of some skeevy desire to see her boobs.

What are they doing with the broom?

that is the common response, literally, word for word. but taking off your clothes for money is a different dynamic than cleaning toilets.

If I had the bod for it (which I definitely don’t, on so many levels), I think I’d rather strip than clean toilets.

I can’t see any way in which a man can make this suggestion to a woman without it being a likely problem.

And I agree with those people who think it’s unnecessary. In modern society, most attractive women are going to be aware of the possibility of stripping for money. She knows the option exists and she can decide on her own if she wants to pursue it. (And as Lionel said, if she’s led such a sheltered life that she’s never heard of stripping, then she’s probably wouldn’t be able to handle the job.)

Alright, what is it that makes it exploitation to take off your clothes as a way to make money when you are poor and need the money but not exploitative to clean toilets as a way to make money when you are poor and need the money?

Is taking off your clothes exploitative?
Is doing something as a way to make money when you are poor and need the money exploitative?

What is it that is sufficent to make something exploitative?

If a cam girl/stripper could make enough money to live in another job but becomes a cam girl/stripper, is that exploitative?

OP’s question: Yeah, an unfriendly response to that suggestion is likely.

If my good friend was temporarily down on her luck (as opposed to a hopeless case who was always messing up) I’d try and lend her the money if I could, not suggest she become a stripper.

You are talking as if this is a completely rational topic or rational question. It’s not. From an objective view you are correct. But in real life it is more complicated than that. And I’m basing this on cam girls that I have talked too .

This is becoming quite a hijack, but you will probably find just as many girls that find it a godsend that may improve their station in life. This I know, from talking to girls who go a bit further than sitting in front of a webcam… any sign of ‘pity’ usually gets ‘corrected’ pretty swiftly.

For the OP, some jobs you just don’t start about.

I think everyone’s getting a little judgemental of the situation. If I had a friend who I had dated in the past and we were still close, and I knew she was the kind of woman who wouldn’t fly off the handle at the mere suggestion of it, I can certainly see myself saying something like “listen, I hate to see you in such dire straits. I’d be happy to loan you something to help you get by, but that’s not going to last you. So here it is, and if you’re offended by it, I apologize, but desperate times call for desperate measures, and all that. You’re attractive and still have a great body. It’s not a dream job, but have you ever considered putting your body to work for you? You could probably make some good money as a dancer- know what I mean? Just until things turn around for you.”

I seriously doubt anyone would respond “well, I never!”, slap the OP, and storm off in a huff.

If you have to ask this question then you shouldn’t do it, but I can certainly think of circumstances where I would suggest it. If you can’t tell how it will be received I would err on the side of caution, but just cause she isn’t doing it doesn’t mean she’s considered it and rejected it, and even if she has considered it she may need a bit of encouragement.

However I reiterate that if you have to ask you probably can’t pull it off and/or she wouldn’t take it well.

Great idea! Start with some mood music.

If you wouldn’t put it to her as a question, then she’s not someone I’d call a friend. And I probably wouldn’t advise suggesting whoring/stripping or whatever to someone I didn’t know very well.

Can you explain why her family won’t help? What difference does the time zone make? That seems like such an odd reason the parents won’t help. Different time zones never prevented us in college from calling our parents and asking for money.

Also, why is she financial trouble? Does she work? Is she foolish with her money?

I just want to say that I completely agree with this.

It’s not something I’d personally do, but I’m fine with suggesting someone else do it. Especially if they report back with the results. The inclusion of a video would also be great.

I suspect the point was that they don’t live near her, and so, options like “moving back in with mom and dad” are more difficult.