Is there any way to refrigerate foods w/o electricity

There are solid state fridge/coolers. The type that plug into the car and run off of 12V. Yes it’s electrially powered, but can be run off batteries, which might increase it’s usefullness.

Sorry for making that assumption. I should SDMB’rs more credit than that

Jim :smack:

Perhaps this could eventually require no electricity - just periodically talk to the items you want refrigerated -

There are some links on an SCA site regarding this subject since many times we silly medievalists go camping for more than a week at a time. The site is Stefan’s Florilegium and the messages can be found in the main menu category “food”. There are a couple of links regarding camping food, preparing frozen food for going camping, and non-refrigerator necessary food.

Sorry I can’t give a more specific link; he’s got the page set up in such a way that I can’t get the direct URL’s.

Hope this helps!

Paul in Saudi beat me to it.
I’ve been out in “the woods” since Thursday, managing just fine with my propane fridge/freezer. My FIL assures me they were the norm in parts of the southern boonies, prior to getting electricity to all the houses (they had one when he was growing up… it ran off the same big propane tank used for heat in the winter). We use ours camping, and as a backup for power outages. A pair of medium sized (22 lb?) tanks are good for at least 2 weeks. Probably longer.

Does it go up to eleven? :smiley:

“Oh, honey? I just bought some ice cream, can you play some AC/DC?”

All the solar icemakers i’ve seen cost $20,000. I’d rather not spend that much if possible, I can just buy new bags of ice at the store daily if I really need to.

Sorption cycle refrigeration systems can be driven by any heat source. solar, propane, kerosine, even a wood or coal stove.

'Twas common prior to rural electrification. Google “icey ball”

Really? Having grown up around ‘yard eggs’ I was always told they would keep without refrigeration only until you actually refrigerated them, then they had to be kept cold to avoid spoilage.

So can you buy eggs out of a refrigerated section and then store then (for the week) at room temp?

Please excuse the hijack.

