Is this a vanity plate?

Right, no lower case, that was just me being neat. But the spaces were definitely there. “GOD IS 25”

I think it may be a reference to Isaiah 25.

First thing I thought of when I saw it was “Neo-nazi.” I’d love to be wrong, but that strikes me as the most likely interpretation, unless it’s something so entirely personal that no one outside of the driver and his immediate social circle could possibly know what it refers to.

I generally don’t like personalized plates, but I’ve seen three in the last couple years that I liked:



And, I swear I’m not making this one up:


I liked: IOU1NA.

A few years ago, a friend and I tried to come up with the vanity plate that would result in the most traffic stops. I think we settled on “COPKLLR.”

I don’t get it.

Edit: Ohhhhhh. I do get it.

Would this be widely recognized as the reference? Why this passage in particular to put on a plate?

I used to be a plate spotter, or at least interested observer, and yesterday (in N.C.) saw a plate from Massachusetts (where I used to spot them) and it had two numbers at the front of the number, two numbers at the back of it, and two letters (DD) in the middle. No dash. Looked strange but was not a vanity plate. .

Like OLE LEE did, years ago, with his 337 370 plate, according to Readers’ Digest. .

I remember reading about a guy who had VOID (or BLANK, or something to that effect) as a license plate and got a brazillion tickets and citations where there was no license indicated. I think it even said some states were forbidding those plates.

You’ve spotted a member of the Illuminati!

I don’t get it.

1d6 dmg is directions in some roleplaying games to roll 1 six-sided die for damage from a weapon or action.


Ah, gotcha. I don’t play them, but I may still have to cash in my geek cred for failing to recognize the “1d6”.

What kind of a crappy paper car is that that only does 1d6 of damage?

My dad worked with a guy who had that problem with NONE.

Agreed. Most likely a neo-Nazi, since the association is strong enough that Target had to pull clothing with “88” on it after finding out that is what it means to a lot of folks.

This was an assigned parking spot, one of eleven, at Harvard Medical School. That’s got to be a pretty high up professor or administator. I don’t see a person like that being a neo-Nazi. Of course, a student there might disagree.

Then again, I saw the SUV only once, and it was gone for the rest of the day. And I’d never noticed it before. Maybe it was parked there illegally. That’s pretty congruent with what a neo-Nazi would do.

I don’t…

I’ve seen a few of those. Including I11II11 sort of things. They’re designed to screw with license plate cameras. I’ve also seen bumpers where the plate is shifted to the left side and tilted up at a 45 degree angle, for the same reasons.

“License plate”. It’s phonetic.

It’s the license plate that only does 1d6, not the car.