Is this joke funny?

I suppose so, for people that like that sort of thing. Definitely not something you’d use to open a speech in any formal or official scenario, though.


My post was a joke, but everything about that article makes it clear that they’re two people, starting with them each having their own name.

I’m with Oakminster on this one. Not funny.

Joke in the OP was not that funny, mostly because it’s tired and old. This, however, made me laugh:

Come now, it must be, so that we can be outraged.

Lame, inoffensive.

Oh come now, they could disagree. And it might look something like this.

I didn’t find it that funny, but also didn’t think it was mocking the disabled. I mean, just because a country drives on the left doesn’t mean it’s disabled.

This made me chuckle.

I’m not with **Oak **on this one, but, the joke isn’t funny. It isn’t horribly unfunny, it just…kind of sits there. 6th grade humor, while the funny stuff starts at 8th grade.
Keep trying, tho.

Best wishes,

I find it highly offensive! So what if the Europeans can’t figure out which side of the road people are supposed to drive on? That’s no excuse to ridicule them.

Offended amputee spotted.

What did the politically correct person get for their birthday?
Definitely NOT the joke…

I like that joke if you please. I like that joke if you don’t please.

No doubt. However, there is IMHO far too much assumption in general that a joke that involves a minority or an oppressed or disadvantaged group is a joke that is making fun of them. In my opinion this joke says nothing bad about Siamese twins at all. It’s just a riff on a particular aspect of what being such a twin might be like.

Much of the time I feel that the offenderati are offended not because they are actually upset but because they want to make sure everyone sees how wonderfully sensitive they are. Further, they are actually being insensitive because their behaviour is patronising to the subject of the joke, who they are assuming has no sense of humour about themselves and their predicament. Which is in my experience very often not the case at all.

That was the funniest part of the joke. Your timing was perfect!

Cute joke. I find nothing offensive about it.

I see what you did there.

On the other hand conjoined twins are called Chinese twins in Thailand.

Politically corrected version:

Q: Why did the Siamese twins move to Europe?

A: Um, the preferred term is CONJOINED twins, and they don’t have to JUSTIFY what they do to you or anyone else!

<canned laughter>