It's duck season!

We do, however know why the Robot Hand has a hairy palm.

I’m sowwy, fewwas. I’m a vegetawian. I just hunt for the sport of it.

Hmm! Pronoun trouble…

You’re a dirty skunk.

I’m a dirty skunk? I’M a dirty skunk?

It’s dirty skunk season.

Elmer Season

It’s everybody’s right to arm the bears.

“Be vewwy, vewwy quiet… We’re hunting Elmers!”

It’s glue season.

Is that what [del]I’m sniffing[/del] I smell?

If I were Wile E I’d be tempted to never post again and end on a high note. What a victory!

It’s Francis Granger season!

Nah, he’s pretty consistent with that.

Looks like I picked the wrong season to give up hunting.

I’m not falling for that again. (to JThunder) I’ll wait until you get home.

I wish. One of the few things that I really hate about living in the LA area is all the damn tourists.

HEY! Are you…oh, what’s his name? The guy who played the…no, that was someone else. Maybe the guy who played the cook…no, someone else. Well, you look like someone famous! Sign my book?


Hey, do you know Brad Pitt? Can you get HIM to sign my book?


God, these Losangelesers* are SO RUDE!

*Yes, I know this is really Angelenos. I’m in character, dammit!

It’s possum season.

We’ve trapped two of the little buggers up in the attic in the last two days.

It is not, however, Raccoon-Taser Season.

Tasers do not work on Raccoons. Who knew?