It's Poker, Not Bingo: SDMB League 1st Quarter 2008

Today’s results

  1. Dag
  2. Missy
  3. Root
  4. Kyy
  5. Yeti
  6. Ast
  7. Oslo
  8. Duck

And the first standings of the quarter:

1 Tie* Miss Take 78.8
1 Tie* Robot Arm 78.8
3 Oslo Ostragoth 59.5
4 Yeticus Rex 39.4
5 Asterion 38.9
6 Duke of Rat 17.0

Yikes. Root and Missy running away with this thing. :eek:

I blame myself for Missy’s success.

Duke having a miserable start. Better luck in the future, dude.

  • to 13 freaking decimal points

Tonight’s Results (1/24/08):

  1. Yetibot…LIVE!
  2. Asterion…new and improved with smitteness!
  3. Dag…Dreaming of Anne Harris!
  4. Kyy…Helping Ast analyze and plan the next 80 years with his GFF
  5. Oslo…Just playing cards and getting burned.
  6. Missy…Not going to joke here, but just take care of your daughter and her friend through this tough time
  7. Robot Arm…tough night, bub.
  8. Duck…even tougher…been there, done that. It aint fun.

And the standings:

1 Dag Otto 71.9
2 Miss Take 71.8
3 Robot Arm 70.7
4 Yeticus Rex 60.4
5 Oslo Ostragoth 56.1
6 Kyyrewyyoae 53.8
7 Asterion 52.5
8 Duke of Rat 15.6

Tonight’s results:

  1. Me
  2. Kyy
  3. Ossie
  4. Otto
  5. Asty
  6. Ducky
  7. Yeti
  8. Missy

Standings for the new quarter:

1 Robot Arm 75.8
2 Dag Otto 68.5
3 Miss Take 64.5
4 Kyyrewyyoae 61.5
5 Oslo Ostragoth 58.5
6 Yeticus Rex 54.6
7 Asterion 51.0
8 Duke of Rat 19.5

Root with a nice start; Duke - what’s going on, dude?


  1. Yeti
  2. Kyy
  3. Ast
  4. Duke
  5. Missy
  6. Root
  7. Dag

I protest.

No real reason, I just want to protest.

My internets flaked out 45 minutes before game time and stayed out all evening. Didja miss me? :frowning:

Updated standings:

1 Robot Arm 70.8
2 Kyyrewyyoae 64.7
3 Yeticus Rex 63.4
4 Dag Otto 61.3
5 Miss Take 61.0
6 Oslo Ostragoth 58.5
7 Asterion 53.1
8 Duke of Rat 25.6

Ok, now I vigorously protest.

Hmmm, if I were the results from tonights game, where would I be?

Balanced on top of my head.


If someone does post tonight’s results, my name will be at the bottom.
whew, tough room.

I can reconstruct this much:

  1. Duck
  2. Kyy

I was 6th.
Dag was 7th.
Root was 8th.

That leaves Oslo, Ast and Missy for the middle spots.

I was 3rd.

Evidently Duke’s delirium at not finishing last prevented him from posting the results:

1 the Duck
2 kyy
3 missy
4 ast
5 Oslo
6 yeti
7 dag
8 root

and the standings:

1 Kyyrewyyoae 67.3
2 Robot Arm 65.8
3 Miss Take 61.9
4 Yeticus Rex 60.1
5 Dag Otto 56.6
6 Oslo Ostragoth 56.4
7 Asterion 53.5
8 Duke of Rat 43.3

Ooh, I think I get it! A reference to a commercial, right?