I can understand the cold weather worries. Recently moved from sunny, humid Bombay where it was 95F in the summers to Minneapolis where it is single digit temperatures. Still learning to adjust to the cold cruel weather.

I wish it would start getting colder here. It was in the 60s today. It’s starting to piss me off, because the warmer winter is, the hotter next summer is going to be. I hate triple digit temps, and I know for damn sure next summer is going to be like that, because we’ve only been below freezing maybe twice this year so far. Normally, we would have a foot of snow on the ground right now, and it would have snowed a few times already. Not this year. One flurry, and nothing stuck to the ground. Next summer is going to suck balls.



That’s why California is a state of sissies.

It was 10 here in Bodymore, Murdaland yesterday, but that’s not cold until you have it for 2 weeks straight, with wind.

I grew up in Maine and lived in Ithaca, NY. I’ve known cold. It doesn’t get cold in Baltimore.

It was 5 degrees when I drove to work this morning. We’re supposed to have a high of 8 and a low of maybe -10 tonight, I heard.
Still no snow, though! :frowning:

That was supposed to be -10. As in 10 below.

I still want snow.

I’m glad it’s 15 F today. So much warmer than yesterday.

I spent a very cold winter in Rochester, MN in the late nineties.

I’m still thawing out.

Oh yeah? Well, I spent a winter in The Pas, Manitoba, where it was -40°C for nine months! Before the wind chill! (Not really, but damned close.) For those of you in the south, you know it’s reallllllly cold when you get square tires on your car.

I do have sympathy for you Southerners who aren’t used to cold, though. I have a “winter skin” theory - tolerance for cold needs to be developed over time, and if you’re not used to it, you have no way of developing a tolerance for it.

Well, rejoice. After getting down to -4 F last night, it will be in the 50’s tomorrow. Massachusetts weather is just wackily inconsistent.

Oh, we used to dream of fifteen degrees Fahrenheit! We used to get up in the morning half an hour before we went to bed…

It’s currently hovering around 2 or 3 degrees C in London. That’s mid 30s to you. But I wish it would get colder. I love crisp frosty days. There’s currently much hoopla in the press because it appears we might get a few flakes of sleety snow on Christmas Day, which means the bookies have to pay out on a white Christmas. Let it snow, let it snow…

(Anyone who’s seen a love story set in London knows that it always snows here :rolleyes: )

It wasn’t the winter of '96-'97, was it? That was one of the worst winters I can remember.

Anyhoo, we’re under a Wind Chill Advisory now. I think I’ll go Christmas shopping after work. I may have to put my winter jacket on, though. :wink:

I think there is something to this. At the start of winter, when it dips down below 0C, I am cold and I wear a coat. At the end of winter, when it gets back up to 0C, I quite happily pop about in a windbreaker.

She didn’t elaborate in the email, but some part of my manager’s car had frozen and required thawing this morning. She’s in Minneapolis, where I understand the temp’s in the -10 to +5 area.

And I’m going there in three weeks? :eek:

It’s not insanely cold in all of Canada… here in the balmy West, we were about
6 C (43 F) today, but cold wimp that I am… that’s cold enough for me.

I think part of it is also because a 0° day at the beginning of winter is a bad weather day (grey & gloomy) but at the end it’s a good weather day (sunny & bright).

Outhouse… -35… Oh hell no. I would improvise a way to take care of those functions without exposing the organs to that kind of temperature. It may sound disgusting, but a jug or a plastic bag is better than frostbite on the bell end or ringpiece.

Welcome to MN! :slight_smile:

It’s -2°F right now, and that doesn’t factor in the Wind Chill, which I would guess to be somewhere around -10,000°…

It’s COLD. And we have but a light dusting of snow, which totally grates my cheese. WTF? It’s nearly Christmas, damn it! I want snow drifts that are taller than me!! I want to look outside in the mornings and panic because my car’s not in the driveway, but only for a moment before I realize it’s completely buried under a bajillion feet of snow! I want roof-to-ground icicles! :mad:

Can it just be tornado season again now?

You and me both, Silver Fire! I can’t stand the thought of a “brown Christmas” and that’s exactly what we’re going to get.

The wind chills could get down to 35 below here tonight, with an actual temp of 12 below. Sounds like a good night for cuddling on the couch under a pile of blankets!

Just read my “location” line.

That’s all I gotta say.

Here, let me raise a frosty, ice-cold drink to all of ya.
