Jewish influence in Politics and the Media Coincidence or Conspiracy?

If everyone knew they were liberal Jews it wouldn’t be a conspiracy, now would it?

I’m afraid this requires a bit more than a signature. Unzip, please. [takes out izmel]

Why is prompting a discussion of the subject taboo? I’m not anti-semitic. I’m not blaming Jews in general for anything. I posted a few facts and asked if there was any meaning to the pattern I pointed out.

Is there anything false in what I said? The website’s slogan is “fighting ignorance”

You know that saying “Fight fire with fire”? It doesn’t work so well with ignorance.

Pointing out a fact = ignorance? Avoiding discussing fact = being informed? Look, I’m not talking about Jews, I am wondering why many leading people advancing left wing ideas have a common ethnicity. Why Aren’t the Media ownership positions more equally divided among
races? Is there something inherent about certain ethnicities and races that leads them to excel in different areas? What are the motivations?

I guess this has more to do with why all races seem to have large differences in how they perform in different areas. Some are good at somethings, others at other things.

Why are races good at what they are?

Singling out Jews in the OP - is that Coincidence or Conspiracy?

So you’re Just Asking Questions, then.

Good that we’ve gotten that pretense out of the way so early in the thread.

And why did you choose to list all the supposed left wing Jews in bloody red? BTW, did you do any fact checking at all before cut-and-pasting your little screed?

Yep, you got us. You and your fearless Just Question-Asking ways have shocked us brainwashed liberals, who just can’t wrap our little heads around your revolutionary ways of thinking.

Just like all of the dozens of loonies who have come before you, Just Asking the very same Questions.

Nothing brings the Dope’s Right and Left together like this kind of OP…it would actually be pretty heartwarming if the proximate cause weren’t what it was…

No, but it was a fact that I think most people are less aware of. If I made it about Africans being better at physical activities like Football, Basketball or Running, that wouldn’t be that surprising becuase those are things done wide open in public view and is common knowledge.

Making it about this subject however, I thought it might prompt a deeper discussion since it inolves politics and people who have significant social influence, yet are not commonly known to be of the same ethnicity.

And what might your ethnicity be?

"And why did you choose to list all the supposed left wing Jews in bloody red? BTW, did you do any fact checking at all before cut-and-pasting your little screed? "

Because there was a lot of text. It was a way to highlight the names. Sorry if I offended anyone. I thought it was an intruiging subject, since I was unaware of this until recently.

You didn’t point out a pattern. You listed a bunch of people in red text and caps lock and asked if they’re in cahoots because they’re of the same ethnicity. Some of them are in business, some are in government, some are in entertainment. What’s the connection supposed to be?

Because it has been discussed before, many, many times in Western history, and no good ever seems to come of the discussion, which never actually seems to be a discussion in any case.

Mods just delete this thread, this has gone way out of hand. Didn’t mean to be a personal attack on anyone, and this has gone crazy.

That is . . . very hard to believe.

And THAT discussion always ends up as a calm, rational, not-at-all-offensive chat.

The mods generally don’t do that here.

Actually, they are.