Joe Wilson Lies! Debunkable?

Harumph. Trial lawyers. Typical. Throw up a bunch of facts and direct quotes, hoping by these over-handed methods to discredit the Leader. You just wait till Sam gets here, boy, you’re gonna catch it then!


Pip, pip, MG. Good show, that. I would have made much the same argument, if I weren’t so lazy and easily…ooooh! look! Shiny!!

Since I didn’t make it clear earlier, when I was quoting from the SSCI report, it was in fact the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence report. Indeed, a good read minty.

Did ya like the page cites? I’m particularly proud of the page cites.

Reading the Niger portions of the Intelligence Committee report, I was struck that there was certainly reasonable basis to suspect that Iraq had sought (but not obtained) yellowcake from Niger, but by no means sufficient evidence to conclude that it had in fact occurred. The problem with El Presidente’s State of the Union claim is that he presented it as verified fact, not suspicion. And hell, in that pre-war environment, suspicion alone would have gone over just fine. So why the stupidity/recklessness/mendacity?

I think you should be proud of how you do your own typing here instead of having your secretary do it for you. Which I assume she doesn’t since your spelling would be better if she did.

Outside of the obvious typos of “Committte” with three t’s and one e, and “puchase” without the r, what’d I miss?

“She”? “She”? Sexist pig. Assuming that women spell gooder.

For anyone credulous enough to believe anything Hitchens says, I merely want to point out that he lies like a dog when he claims that the Intelligence Identities Protection Act–the federal law apparently broken when Scooter Libby or Doug Feith or whoever outed Valerie Plame as an undercover CIA operative–“relies in practice on a high standard of proof, effectively requiring that the government demonstrate that someone knowingly intended to divulge the identity of an American secret agent operating under cover, with the intention of harming that agent” (emphasis added). In point of fact, the IIPA does not in any way require intent to harm the agent.

One hesitates to presume that “no intent to harm” will become the next rallying cry of the Faithful. Of course, such hesitation is solely attributable to one’s acute sense of decorum.

As I pointed out in a thread previously, there is already a solid arguement, based on Karl Rove’s own public statements about his involvement, and the law in question, that he broke them law. You aren’t supposed to talk to the press and confirm that someone is a covert agent, and he did it, and he admitted it (apparently under the delusion that there is some sort of “cat’s out of the bag” rule). I await the investigation to actually get somewhere and explain why they have yet to either indict him or clear him (the fact that they were considering charging him came to light when someone leaked one of the investigation’s internal memos).

Here’s Talking Points Memo on the topic of Niger and uranium in the Butler report.

So, unfortunately in this case, the Butler [report] didn’t do it.

Ooof. Sorry about that last bit. I’m going to bed now.

Have faith H the B. The president’s independent “Commission on the Intelligence Capabilities of the United States Regarding Weapons of Mass Destruction” (CICUSRWMD) is on the job. They’ll soon have this yellowcake mess sorted out to everyone’s satisfaction.

The trouble is, no one believes anyone :wally from Nigeria.

That was funny, but Niger and Nigeria are two different countries.

Thanks to MG and everyone for your posts. I’m trying to keep up on what’s going on. I’m trying to accelarate my reading of Wilson’s book. Right now I’m only halfway through it.

Is the Grand Jury that’s investigating the Plame case nearly done? Are the righties doing a pre-emptive smear strike so that “Wilson’s lies” will be the bigger story?

In case there remains any debate on this topic, the LA Times is reportedly saying today that Valerie Plame’s bosses at the CIA continue to avow that it was NOT her idea to send her husband on the trip to Niger.

If that even matters.

I hope others are off somewhere correcting some of the vast fonts of ignorance.

Meanwhile, the Brits still refuse to reveal basis for their supposedly credible intelligence that Iraq had bought 4000 tons, er, 500 tons, or maybe they were in the process of buying up to 500 tons, well, maybe they were only inquiring about the possibility of perhaps some day entering into preliminary discussions to ascertain the desirability of maybe, uh, looking at some yellowcake from a safe distance.

Someone remind me again, please, why Tony Blair is still P.M.

A couple of things. First

I got that article from a link off of War and Piece, a very interesting site. She offers her own analysis of what’s going on. It’s still a bit convoluted for my poor brain, but I’m working towards a light bulb. I’m beginning to very much admire policy wonks.

Joseph Wilson speaks! This is from Salon Premium. What Wilson says is publically available, but this was the quickest way to get it. (Bolding was in the article)

It is exceptionally sad to me that the practice of character assassination has the status that it does today, and that the media appear to be such willing participants in it. I know nothing about Joseph Wilson. He may have been the most rabid conservative around, for all I know. I suspect that Sam Stone knows him no better. Yet Wilson dared to tell the truth about something that ran counter to the story that Bush wanted to tell. This makes him a partisan, a liar, and a despicable person.

How many people who dare to say something about their experiences inside the Bush administration or working in connection with it will turn out to be such ravenous liars, blinded by sheer partisan hatred? How many people will be slandered and villified? How often will these charges be repeated by those who are supposed to be bringing us the news, covered with only the thinnest veil of “alleged,” or by placing a question mark at the end of the sentence?

At what point will it be possible for someone to stand up and say “Have you no shame, sir? At long last, have you no shame?”

That’s the real problem, isn’t it? They don’t have any shame. They’re proud of what they’re doing.

Because he has no shame. As a lifelong Labour supporter I’m not voting for that party again until he is gone. And i’m not alone - two by-elections yesterday in safe Labour seats. They lost one and held the other by only 460 votes.

But that doesn’t explain why he still has the backing of Labour’s M.P.'s. I mean, Blair led the British left into that damn fool war kicking and screaming. Now everyone but Blair knows that the whole thing was a colossal fuckup, and Labour is still supporting him in sufficient numbers to maintain him as P.M.? Jesus, the Tories finally buried their knives in Thatcher’s in the back for a lot less than that.