Kuroshio Sea tank at Okinawa aquarium - amazing stuff

Guys (in America), save some of your travel money. The Georgia Aquarium has tank three times bigger, with a bigger viewing window, that holds mutliple whale sharks (the size of school busses) as well as a bunch of other fish - now including tiger sharks - too.

Oh, and Ale, the diver is cleaning the tank.

Yes, well, I’m not wondering what he is doing, but why is he moving around awkardly like that instead of swimming. I suppose he may be carrying something heavy…


The video makes it look like a crappy screen saver. I’m sure it’s pretty damn awesome in person though. I wish the Long Beach Aquarium wasn’t so expensive to visit.

The Littlest Briston was just watching an episode of Go Diego Go! in which they learn all about Lucy the Whale Shark. As it ended, I fired up that video – she went nuts, happily pointing out every whale shark that entered the frame and stating every fact she had just learned about them. An awesome moment…thanks for sharing, mhendo.

Well, you have to figure how often they need to make reference to the ocean at all in Bozeman?