"Makeup for Men Is on the Rise—and No Longer a Taboo" I call shenanigans on this perennial BS claim

How would he feel about curling them with a curler? Would that be too girly for him?

I don’t have anything against makeup. It’s fun to play with and done correctly makes me look much more masculine than I do naturally.

But I would rather women stop using makeup as a general trend rather than men start because I want to get to the bar before 11.

I don’t care about makeup on men at all.

But I do wish it was more socially acceptable for men to carry purses. That way, when I’m hanging out with one, I won’t have to carry all his shit in mine.


I don’t know any men who wear makeup on a regular basis, or wear it sober, but I wish I did. Makeup is FUN!

Although I sometimes have slumber parties with a small group of friends (including guys) and we usually end up wearing makeup and wigs by the end of the night. Good times.

Clear mascara! That is f-ing brilliant. You may have really done him a favor. I will go post-haste and find some.

Too girly and too much maintenance…but spending forever in the bathroom trying to pick them out with a wet Q-tip is just fine, apparently.

Dogzilla, I bought my man a murse (basically a messenger bag) from LL Bean. It’s MANLY! GRRR!

I have never ever looked at myself in the mirror and saw any problem that made me think “if only men could wear makeup.”

They can try to make makeup for men a thing, but it’s not gonna happen.

Ding ding ding. It’s funny, I know quite a few men who wear tinted moisturizer or use acne treatments with built in concealer. The companies are just smart and don’t call it that, because- as we can see in this thread- a lot of men freak out at the thought of wearing makeup.

Jezebel put guys in some tinted moisturizer and I think the improvement is great. It evens out their complexions nicely.

I think mascara, even clear, is more girly than using an eyelash curler. Although they are both pretty girly and I don’t think men I know would dream of doing either. But mascara leaves an actual product behind and an eyelash curler is just a tool. Anyone with eyelashes that don’t curl up naturally should use one!

Serious question: Why?

Because if your eyelashes are long enough, they’ll poke you in the eye (like Anaamika’s spouse’s do). Even when I’m not wearing makeup, I’ll curl my lashes so I don’t get poked.

To keep them out of one’s eyes and thereby reduce irritation and distraction caused by errant eyelashes on the eyeball.

Also, things look better when they’re orderly.

Especially if you wear glasses, because your eyelashes can and will drag across the inside of your glasses and get pushed into your eyes.

Mine curl naturally so I don’t worry as much.

I just don’t see him using an eyelash curler. I wouldn’t use one myself, to be honest - mascara is much easier in my mind.

There have been times and places where men commonly wore makeup. Didn’t the upper class men of France wear make up for a century or two before the revolution?

But, I don’t see it happening in America anytime in the near future.

Re Purses

I’ve noticed a lot of men in my age group carry backpacks. I carry a Timberland. It serves every function of a purse (and more!), but I insist it is NOT a purse.

And depending on local legal definitions, “cosmetics” includes such things as toothpaste.

Promise, my current client makes toothpaste and it’s classified as cosmetics. I’m reasonably sure their kids’ line of toothpaste, mouthwash and brushes with licensed pictures doesn’t count as makeup, though.

Besides keeping eyelashes out of your eyes, I think it just makes such a difference in how your eyes look. I don’t wear mascara because I don’t like it flaking off and my lashes are long and thick anyway, but you’d hardly even notice them if I didn’t curl them. It wouldn’t look weird for men to do it either because a lot of men have naturally curled up lashes.

Dude, people whose eyelashes don’t curl up get poked by them in their eye? That has literally never occurred to me, and I’m not even sure how that works.

My eyelashes grow pretty much straight outwardly with very little curl, and I can’t really remember getting poked too many times in the eye either. So I agree.

That being said, I’m a gay man who also doesn’t wear any make up, but I’m not violently opposed to it like some guys are. I think the tinted moisturizer linked above actually looks quite nice on men.

I just carry an obviously woman’s purse and try to look awkward like I am holding it for the SO and she is somewhere nearby.

Works all the time.

I would absolutely carry a purse as it’s one of the few things I envy about women’s fashion. It’s such a practical thing; pockets are way too limiting, but man-purse stigma is still a thing. (I know at least one guy who carries his laptop bag everywhere even though he almost never carries a laptop in it- it’s because of man-purse stigma.)

Make-up is another thing entirely. While I do continually tell myself that I need to start moisturizing and doing more skin care to avoid looking like Leatherface in my 50s, NOT having to wear actual makeup is one of my favorite things about being male. On an off day- shower/shirt/shorts/I’m out the door, be it to the movies or grocery shopping or dinner with friends, doesn’t matter. Plus, I have naturally really big red lips so lipstick would make me look like John Wayne Gacy in his clown drag.