Man charged with child sex abuse felony for video editing!

Indeed, to my mind this is yet another example of willful and officiously callous child abuse by the legal system itself.

I seem to remember a guy in Ohio maybe twelve years ago who was a convicted child sex offender and was caught (after his release from prison) keeping a fictional journal of child sex. Maybe it had been specifically forbidden to him because of his conviction or something, but I recall he went to jail for the journal. It could have been overturned later, I don’t know. I’d google, but I don’t really want to see all the nasty websites that might pop up…

Emory didn’t molest any child-- he did, however, insinuate that they were being “molested.” Big, big difference. But there are already means to remedy these actions: filing a civil tort against the person for using children in a video without their parents consent. That’s an action I find acceptable. As evil and vile as the video is, IMHO it falls under the purvey of the 1st Amendment; I predict that those particular charges will be dropped on my unsubstantiated theory that the law is too broad; and hence, unconstitutional.

Let’s give an example: we have a aural recording of a woman and man moaning during an orgasm. I take some software and modify the tracks to sound like two sixteen year olds going at it–according to the Michigan statues, I’ve broken the law (re: Michigan Section 750.145c-1-m) –even though no children were involved.

What if I redo the audio to make it sound like two 10 years olds? Creepy as all hell, but again, the sound was made by adults. It’s getting way too gray to call this child abuse.

Cite please.

I’ve been following this and seeing this story a great deal on the local news, and I can confirm that there was no nudity or exposure or lewd gestures whatsoever in the video; it was just playing the guitar and singing and showing the kids’ reactions to the G-rated songs, one of which was the Lunch Lady Song by Adam Sandler (which some wags have argued should be an offense in its own right, of course).

To top up the heinous ignominy tank, here’s a quote from the prosecutor: “The bottom line in this case is that he walked into a classroom and took advantage and victimized every single child in that classroom”!:smack:

I’ve long ago learned that providing evidence to the kind of person who blindly asserts that a video they’ve never even seen is “evil and vile” is futile.

I’m sure if someone looked hard enough, there’s bound to be an example of Johnny Carson or Jack Paar doing the exact same thing years ago. Let’s show funny kid reaction shots spliced in with a song filled with innuendo, hee!

Utterly ridiculous.

Apologies; I screwed up not reading your post carefully. I presumed you were newcomer and I mistook as continuation of his response. :smack: :smack: :smack: Not exactly proud of this, either: “…And insinuated that they were being molested…” More :smack:s Meh…I’ve should have just shut my yap today.

But your “…callous child abuse…” confused me. Were you being sarcastic? Honest, the remark doesn’t make any sense to me.

Here’s your cite for the “virtual child porn” aspect:
§ 1466A. Obscene visual representations of the sexual abuse of children

I found stories about an arrest (and acquittal) on the fictional writings aspect, but it’s from England – I’m still searching for a U.S. cite, but I can’t say for certain that my memory on this isn’t based on the U.K. case.

ETA: Whoop, found a story about a U.S.-based arrest and acquittal. So, perhaps the writing part won’t get you put away. Still searching.

Yep, seems to me I’ve seen that kind of thing from those infamous kiddie-porn lovers Carson, Letterman, Leno and Tosh.0, not to mention the above-cited Clerks. Hang 'em all!

Thanks. I know there’re a few threads on the subject, but I can’t find them.

Here are a few (older - the newer ones are all pretty short) threads on the subject. I hadn’t realized the PROTECT act went that far*, with regards to simulated child pornography.

*Reading that statute it looks like mere possession isn’t enough to actually be guilty, you also have to transmit or mail it across state lines.

Okay, thanks for the apologies and rephrasing the question, which I’ll answer…

Years ago on another site, several different parents wrote of their incredibly heart-rending, horror-struck and nearly suicidally painful remorse for calling in the police to report things such as completely ordinary childhood sex play they witnessed (i.e., “playing doctor”), whereupon their kids were far more severely victimized and traumatized by the legal system – which forced them to describe everything and even udergo “therapy” – than by the very ordinary behavior itself. This turned into particularly egregious and callous abuse by the legal system when the kids involved were of the same sex and the police or child protective service agents visited the schools and neighbors asking pointed questions, leading quite inevitably to vicious bullying and even the occasional murders of these so-called “faggots”, permanently damaging them and their parents infinitely worse than would have been the case if the legal system had never gotten involved.

Then there are all those incomparably evil “ritual child sexual abuse” cases from the 80’s and 90’s – every single one of which never actually occurred – which would never have reached a courthouse except for appallingly despicable police and prosecutorial misconduct. It was only the legal system which horribly abused these children (and the falsely-accused adults too, of course).

I was never more proud of my fellow San Diegans than when the jury on the alleged Satanic ritual child sexual abuser Dale Akiki case not only rejected all the charges but also heaped vastly-deserved scorn on the police and prosecutors involved for monstrously abusing those poor kids as well as the mentally challenged defendant.

I cannot recommend more strongly that people seek out PBS’ Frontline producer Ofra Bikel’s three-part documentary on the entirely bogus ritual child sexual abuse case involving the Little Rascals Day Care Center in Edenton, North Carolina: Innocence Lost (1991), Innocence Lost: The Verdict (1993) and Innocence Lost: The Plea (1997)

I have to go, but here are a few excellent links on this issue…

Who Abused Jane Doe? The Hazards of the Single Case History Part 1

Who Abused Jane Doe? The Hazards of the Single Case History Part 2

Remembering Dangerously

Whatever Happened to ‘Jane Doe’?

Predator Panic: A Closer Look

The Battle Between Political Agendas and Science See the portion regarding Debbie Nathan.

Exonerating the Friedmans

It’s raining really hard here in Antioch. I’m hearing voice telling me to go make a huge boat out of gopher wood because He is pissed and wants to start over again and will begin first with the UP and then the rest of Michigan before moving to the rest of North America.

There are idiots in Michigan. News flash. They run the government from there to Wisconsin.

Presumably the statute of limitations has run out, but John Waters did the exact same thing in Desperate Living.

I can’t recall if it was the same movie, but he also had a kid in a refrigerator for a scene.

Correct me if I’m wrong Sandy, but if I kill all the golfers, they’re gonna lock me up and throw away the key…

Adult men shouldn’t do anything with children, for any reason, unless at least 2 adult women, a camera, and a stenographer are in the room at the same time. And even then, it’s probably not a good idea.

Wow, kinky.

We’re almost to the point where this will include a guy wanting to have kids of his own.

Husband: “Let’s have kids.”
Wife: "Ew…why? " :dubious:

Amusingly I doubt that the teacher ever left the room when he was actually with the students. And then when he was “sexually abusing” them he was probably sitting in a room entirely by himself.

I think at this point adult men aren’t allowed to be around anyone but other adult men lest they rape/molest those nearby. And you can’t leave them by themselves because then they will abuse all the children who aren’t there.

So the only safe thing is to have nothing but sausage fests. Which means all child protection laws have been nothing more than an advancement of the hidden gay agenda all along!!! :eek: :wink: