Manga For Girls



Yes, Japanese animation/manga also follows the 90% crap rule…but fortunately, given the intense competition of comic magazines the really really bad stuff doesn’t make it very far (although given the choice of titles that the translators pick I sometimes have to wonder what they were smoking sometimes).

Not everybody does the Big Eyes Small Mouth look (it is more prevalant in titles aimed at young women because it looks cuter), and comics run the gamut of every genre imaginable–comedy, tragedy, historical, fantasy, science fiction, horror, romance, modern day, sports, social commentary…or even some combination of the above.

What annoys me more is the mock-manga style drawn by American artists who only seem interested in copying the style and not the strength in characterization and storytelling. Or maybe there’s just something about the Japanese stories that tugs at my cynical little heartstrings when I’d rolleye if it came up somewhere else.

Does she like ballet? Princess Tutu is a two-volume about ballet students and seems aimed at fairly young audience; it’s a very different story from the anime, but I recomend that highly. “Swan” is also set in the ballet world, but may be above her ‘reading’ level. (I find shojou sometimes hard to follow and I’m… well over 10.) Swan features older characters and teaches a lot about ballet; there’s love interest and a mystery about the lead’s late mother.
