McDonalds hates black people.

Hmm. I think it’s 18" double ended Jelly blue something or another. But, yeah they really should.

I’ve seen that one and it makes me kind of ill seeing a cake made out of McNuggets. Not like lotus boob ill, but “ew…that is a foodstuff which should not exsist!” kind of ill.

Yeah, that’s exactly how I saw it.
“wow - you know it’s bad when McDonald’s is making fun of it…”

The McDonalds commercials I’ve seen lately feature either 2 white ladies or 2 white dudes sitting in coffee shops saying how they don’t like to have to act preppy in order to get a latte and are now glad they can get them at McDonalds.

The one lady doesn’t know where Paraguay is and the other has never even heard of Paraguay. AN INSULT TO WHITE WOMEN EVERYWHERE!

Are you telling me I didn’t have to do that? Twice?

How is targeting an audience and trying to capture the “culture” being racist towards them? They are trying to make money off a particular demographic, not insult them.

Genius. :smiley:

I remember when all this were nowt but fields, filled with proper racists. And cows.

Racist cows.

I’m nto sure about this particular post but yes, plenty of people found the commercials offensive. I don’t think you can make a commercial these days without offending someone, people really need to get over themselves. Go ahead, make a commercial about overweight, middle-aged whites guys, I won’t get upset! :wink:

Who were then turned into McDonalds hamburgers?

McDonalds’ hamburgers are made from cows? Cite?


As are such luminaries as Martin Lawrence and Tyler Perry, but that doesn’t keep me from cringing in my lily-white skin when I see some of the coon-show garbage they produce.

I just think McDonald’s is desperate to get black people to eat there. These are not good times to be in the restaurant business.

Now if McDonald’s came out with a new “McCornrow Dog” then I’d say yeah, they hate black people.

Anyone, I mean anyone, who sees racism in that linked commercial and can equate it with a minstrel show while keeping a straight face is either

  1. Delusional
  2. Retarded
  3. Needs to lose the white-guilt

Well said. :wink:

Yeah, I’m not seeing what’s offensive in that commercial either, I just see a video spoof. I’d be interested to hear the explanation.

ETA: Is is just the fact that McDonald’s is targeting black consumers, period? If yes that’s a valid enough opinion, but that’s a bit different than taking issue with one particular commercial. I mean, if that same commercial were for, I dunno, carrot sticks or granola bars, would you find it offensive?

Back in the 80’s a friend of mine, whgo is white noted that McDonald’s commercials were aimed to either black or white people. He told me that when he saw a commercial aimed at white people it was the general “Wow! A buy one get one free deal for Big Macs!” but when it was aimed a black peope there always were a lot of singing and dancing people breakin’ and jivin’. From what I remember he was right.

I’m curious if the OP would have been offended if instead of McNuggets the ad had featured something else off the menu like maybe some fries, or is it connected in the OP’s head that it’s forbidden to mention black people and chicken in the same thought because that’s racist. If the latter is the case then the only rascism in this thread is in the OP’s mind.

Racist motherfucker.

Actually, that makes it worse, AFAIC. I don’t think there is anything inherently objectionable to the commercial linked in the OP. But I do find it a bit alarming, and a bit troubling, that when McDonalds wants to sell to white people, they use a wedding (and a disgusting chicken cake). When they target black people, they have 1) a fake R&B song 2) some dancing and 3) the implication that the woman is unfaithful and the man is emasculated. Maybe it’s just me (I think about things too much, I admit it), but the contrast between the white people getting married in the suburbs, and the black woman “stepping out” on her man in an urban area, is just a little too…binary.

But the real shocker is that every McDonald’s hamburger contains chopped-up pieces of–brace yourself–dead cow.

(Yeah, I know it was a joke, but I love that line.)