Men's pants -- pleated or non-pleated?

'Cept when you remove the jacket. Then you are still wearing pleated pants.

No thanks.

They make suits with flat front trousers as well. I opt for those. Low rise, please.

You’re right, they do make suits with flat front pants, my husband owns plenty. Pleated suit pants and dress trousers are less egreious than pleated chinos and other casual or business casual slacks, in my book.

I hate pleats, I think they look really bad. My husband likes them. I tried to get him to wear the flat front, but it didn’t work out too well. He has the body to pull them off, he just doesn’t feel comfortable in them.

Flat-front, SVP.

When I see pleated, I always assume the guy is hiding a colostomy bag, 'cus my friends brother in high-school had a colostomy bag and had to wear pleated pants to disguise it, so now that’s the first thing that pops into my head.

I’m probably going to hell for it, but what can you do.

I like my pleated acid washed jeans thank you very much.

running, running quickly

The vitriol some of you have about pleated pants is just bizarre. Who even notices whether someone else’s pants are pleated, much less cares about it, much MUCH less flies into a foaming-at-the-mouth tizzy about it?

Are you the same people who said sneakers shouldn’t be worn with jeans? Or that black jeans are “out”?

Whatever. :rolleyes:

In the days before casual business attire, I only wore non-pleated slacks with my coat and tie. I never cared for pleats … until I was coaxed into buying pleated slacks with a new suit. You know what … they’re ok, wears well and looks fine. Now all my casual pants are non-pleated, but my dressy slacks are all pleated. But don’t get me started on a discussion on cuffs vs. no-cuffs!

And yet YOU notice and YOU clearly state a preference.

Yes. Some of us want to make this world a better place to live by preventing fashion crimes before they happen.

If you’re not part of the solution…

I notice how they look on ME, and I have a preference for MYSELF.

I won’t say I never assess what people wear, but pleats or lack thereof is so insignificant that as far as I’m concerned it’s simply a matter of preference. Pleats are hardly as egregrious (to use UrbanChic’s word for pleats :rolleyes: ) as some of the walking disasters out there.

The only way to make them look good was to force the model to put his hands in his pants. Any other posture, and the pleated pant gives a man a gunt.

Well, we all must choose our battles. :slight_smile:

I feel pretty much the same way … except that I can’t say it’s the flat-front pants making me look fat. I’m about double your weight and several inched taller … I look big in everything.

Sorry, fashionistas – my opinion is that pleated (dress and business-casual) pants look fine sans jacket IF the waist is a proper fit. A too-tight waist combined with pleats can lead to an over-poofy effect. Of course, a too-tight waist in flat-front pants leads to the dread “front butt” symdrome. Which is worse?

Essentially, I say get the waist fit properly, and the rest takes care of itself.

Wow, I’m glad I went with egregious instead of abominable, like I had originally planned…

It kind of shocks me that this is an issue, too. I wear pleats–I have to–'cause the front pockets on flat-faced pants are permenantly in the “pulled open” state (as the usually are when sitting down). If I buy flats big enough that they don’t do that, they are way too big around the waist. Plus, the pockets on flat-front pants are generally really shallow; the last pair I had kept dumping my keys and moneyclip every time I sat down. (And yeah, fashionistias, I know…you’re not supposed to put anything in your pockets. :rolleyes: ) And I’m not at all clear why pleats w/ suit is good but pleats a la carte are bad. What’s with that?

I’d be happy to chuck it all and go with a kilt and sporran, but reigning opinion seems to be completely against that.

Fashion. :rolleyes: Be a slave or be a pariah, I guess.


On the contrary. I look for excuses to wear mine.

And I’m considering a couple of new ones . :smiley:

So, you’re not **always **anti-pleat, then? :smiley:

As an artist it should come as no surprise that I’m a very visual person. I view the whole world as art or potential art. I compose outfits like I put together the elements of a painting. When something is off, depending upon how off, it can be painful.

It’s really a sad statement about our society how de-sensitized we’ve become to visual elements. We cut art budgets first, keeping people from vital, life enriching experiences. Then we wonder why people are such utter assholes, content to wallow in mental and physical squalor. Samurai used to place great emphasis upon what they learned about the world and themselves when they arranged flowers for Ikebana. It was one part of making them pretty good warriors because they knew who they were, inside and out, and a machine with which you are familiar is a machine that has a better chance of being successful at it’s task.

Also, when I see someone in something horrible, and I know how easy it would be to dress in something more flattering, I feel, not sadness or pity exactly, but sort of regretful for them. Some people care nothing about appearance, and the vast majority only care somewhat, but I’ve done the makeover thing on myself, friends and family who thought they didn’t really care. It’s amazing the confidence someone can have when they know they look their best. And with confidence anything is possible. Paying attention to clothes is a small price to pay if it gives someone a chance at the best life they could live.

Oh, and caring about appearance is shallow if that’s all there is to you. You’ve got to have a strong mind and good heart, otherwise you may look pretty, but you’re as empty as the mannequins in the store window.

Phew, I’ve been wanting to get that off my chest!

Actually, I prefer Sportkilt, as they’re polyblend and therefore don’t wick up as much water.

But I’ve been informed that they do not conform to the accepted standards that comprise “office wear”, not even “business casual”. Not even with tartan, sporran, and sgian dubh.

Then again, appropriate office attire seems to invovle wrapping a noose about your neck, so…whose idea is this, anyway.


Ashes – what does all that have to do with pleated pants?

I feel strongly that with my build, I look better in pleated dress pants than in flat-front pants. Now, I understand that there are pleats that are just too damn “pleaty” (think approaching MC Hammers pants). I also understand (thorugh personal experience) that fitting the waist and crotch properly is the lynchpin to the success of the pants selection exercise.

Sniff… sob… <wipes tear> … that was beautiful… sniff… :slight_smile:

I’m not an artist but I have a pretty developed sense of esthetiques and it drives me crazy when I see people who looked like they not only got dressed in the dark with their eyes closed but that they decorated their house with the lights out as well.

But, unless I’m asked, I zip my lip and say nothing. But the whole time I’m thinking… they’re just helping me look better. :smiley: