Merv Griffin announces that something "amazing" is going to happen...

And somehow I missed that the reference had already been spotted.


Sean Connery’s going to appear as a contestant.

“I’ll take ‘The Penis Mightier’ for $800.”

do you mean to tell me that merv griffen is still alive???

who would have thought it?

Just don’t get into a lift with Mr Griffith…not in Europe, anyway…


Wow - what other guests did he have - a loaf of white Wonder bread and a radio tuned to white noise?

From MST3K:

“We’re white. We’re white. We’re really, really white!”

Dr. Michael Hfuhruhurr: You. You’re the elevator killer. Merv Griffin.
Merv Griffin: Yeah.
Dr. Michael Hfuhruhurr: Why?
Merv Griffin: I don’t know. I’ve always just loved to kill. I really enjoyed it. But then I got famous, and - it’s just too hard for me. And so many witnesses. I mean, *everybody *recognized me. I couldn’t even work anymore. I’d hear, “Who’s that lurking over there? Isn’t that Merv Griffin?” So I came to Europe to kill. And it’s really worked out very well for me.


Maybe, they are going to celebrate my birthday. It is May 20.

Shoot, I wanted to say that!

Maybe it’ll be celebrity Jeopardy! and they’ll actually have Sean Connery.

“I’ll take ‘Trebek’s Mother is a Whore’ for $200.”
The category is ‘Famous Ships’ Mr. Connery.
“Ah, so Trebeks whore of a mother couldn’t get the $200… heh heh heh…”

Or even stranger: it’ll be Celebrity Week, they won’t give super-easy questions, and somebody will still finish in the positive numbers… that’d be amazing. (Did anybody see Power Brokers week, incidentally? I was amazed to find that the people behind some of our most powerful politicians are as stupid as most of the soap opera actors who’ve been on the show.)

I meant to emphasize blandness, rather than whiteness, but I guess it works either way :slight_smile:

Trebek’s going to do the show while standing on a Segway!

No one’s suggested the obvious.

Merv Griffin is senile.

Hey, Andy Kaufman is back!

He’s going to come out? :dubious:

One of the contestants will be Terd Ferguson?


Although, I always heard that line ‘I couldn’t even lurk anymore’, not ‘I couldn’t even work anymore’…
Oh, and get that cat outta here…

Maybe someone wins > $1,000,000. Or gets the highest possible Jeopardy total. Actually, I was sort of hoping Wheel of Fortune would be the show and that the amazing thing would be a prize on the wheel marked “Vanna”.