Michele Bachmann strikes again

Dunno about that; if you look at her words in a vacuum, it’s quite plausible that she’s talking about ideas/information instead of guns. However, given the recent spate of right-wingers talking about cannoning up (see the “Oh noes! We’re surrounded!” thread for an example) I’m less inclined to give her the benefit of the doubt.

In fact, if you listen to her words in the context of what she said, it’s almost certainly about getting informed. But yeah, you could always take license to read whatever you like into her words on the grounds that she’s a right-winger. That works too.

Probably for the same reason no one bothered to call her a “carbon-based lifeform” either.

Even if we take it as read that her position is reasonable, it’s then all the more telling that she found such a batshit way of expressing it.

Now, now. There might be families of tourists present and we do not want children exposed to such a sight, not least because you don’t want kids exposed to what’s inside her. You really don’t.

Nicely put. May I spray you in the face with seltzer now?

I consider myself one of the leftiest of lefties, but what I really don’t like is misrepresentation, lazy interpretation, or lies, the depths of which I am buried in by the Relentless Right. She sucks it bigtime, but I think it’s a huge stretch to interpret her statement as anything more than a political call to action.

I agree. Seriously, give her enough rope to hang HERSELF by all means, but don’t “help.”

Also, that was the War of 1812 :stuck_out_tongue:

Bullshit. She also mentions being on enemy lines, and one of thirty foreign correspondents. What other interpretation is there?

Why oh why are so many female batshit righties so fuckable?

What interests me more than the quote given in the OP is another in the same article:

Who, besides a few exultant voices on the Dope, has expressed a desire for a permanent Democratic majority? I don’t believe that’s what any serious politician’s thinking, particularly Obama’s, and if they do that’s a hit to their credibility.

What’s sad is her insinuation that the Democrats want to take power permanently will probably incite more people than Rove stating outright his desire for the Republicans to do the same.

You’re *really *sure you want to do that, Sparky? No telling what’s in there, ya know.

She’s one of the bad guys, no doubt. She reminds me of Slush Windbag in drag.

Men go a little crazy round here, first warm days. Gotta wear flourescent orange vests that say “I’m a Guy, Goddamit!” Knots in pine trees… Look, you wouldn’t understand, ok? Lived here forever, still don’t. All I know is, you gotta walk around scratching your nuts and farting every ten seconds, you want to avoid embarassing encounters…

Fair enough, but I don’t think it’s much of a stretch at all and I think it’s a little naive to think that all she’s doing is trying to get people to become more informed. If that was the case, why did she use such loaded language…armed and dangerous? Revolution? She chose those words. Remember that this statement was made in the broader context of other, similar statements made by members of the right-wing. Do you really think that they’re all just accidentally couching their calls for an informed citizenry in words that summon up images of violent uprising? If this was the only instance of statement like this, I think you would undoubtedly be correct in your interpretation. I think the words were chosen carefully and are designed to incite fear, if not action. I would bet* that before the year is up, we’re going to see a deadly act of domestic terrorism that is committed by someone who feels called to action by the words they’re hearing from the right-wing.

*not a real bet, because I’m hoping I lose.

But the same King George, as it happens.

This really made me laugh. Thank you.

She doesn’t mind spending taxpayer dollars to send out mailers and have auto-dialed phone calls out to constituants telling about how worried she is about the direction the country is headed. I got a phone call just a few hours ago. I hung up before I could really tell what she wanted to say. The flyers usually don’t even make it into the house. They get spit on and dropped in recycling. (Think I don’t like her much?)


…makes the fart go “Honda!”