Moon Landings: why is there no dust in the lander pads?

The existance of the moon was never a matter of speculation.

You’re confusing whether it is possible something existed in the past or present, with whether it would be posible to do something in the future. The two are very, very different. To see whether something exists or existed in the past, you need evidence. To see whether something may be done, you have to do it.

It needn’t have been utter bollocks. I mean, governments are capable of deceiving the public, and willing to do it sometimes. It just happens to be the case that the moon landing conspiracy theory is utter bollocks, not helped by vapid, moronic sensationalist TV programs on the subject (FOX, I’m looking at you).

Dammit, that’s what I was goint to change my user name to. Back to the drawing board.

Don’t you want to be a productive tool then?

Hey, don’t be embarrassed! At least you came with the idea of doing research and listening to smart people. That’s a long way from starting a thread just to shout something ridiculous, keep shouting, loudly insist you’re right, and not learn.


If he’s anything like me, he is probably just happy being a general tool. :wink:

How exactly would that be justification. (And for that matter, if we had alien space craft technology, why wouldn’t we use it to go to the Moon? Though apparently all those things do is make crop circles and then crash.)

I’ve already admitted my argument is unfeasible, but I still believe the finding of such a craft would inspire extraordinary levels of deception from the authorities, had it happened.

In many ways, I am already a productive tool.

The existance of the moon was never a matter of speculation.

You’re confusing whether it is possible something existed in the past or present, with whether it would be posible to do something in the future. The two are very, very different. To see whether something exists or existed in the past, you need evidence. To see whether something may be done, you have to do it.


I mean, I understand what you’re getting at but I fail to see the context.

I’m sure that going to the moon has been a point of speculation for quite some time, just as journeying to the center of the earth or what exactly is that jelly-like substance in spam. All good points for speculation and discussion around a cold one at a local tavern, or over some coffee at a truck stop lunch counter.

Once it was done however, the conversation turned from “Can we do it or not” to “Did we do it or not”.

Because the Nazis keep shooting our ships down from their Moon Base, silly ! Ever since they got up there in the 40’s with their recovered alien space craft.

In regards to the OP: when you picture it in your mind, don’t imagine the dust roiling around in little clouds like it would on Earth (in an atmosphere). Instead, imagine the rocket exhaust hitting the Lunar regolith and expanding outward, carrying dust particles outward; by the time the footpads touched down, there probably wasn’t any loose dust left in the immediate vicinity. And the dust wouldn’t roil around in little clouds like on Earth; it’d simply be blown outward by the exhaust, which would rapidly attenuate, and then would describe a ballistic trajectory through vacuum and hit the ground. None of the particles would be coming back to the area of the footpads.

Why isn’t there a movie called Nazis on the Moon!?

The future is always a matter of speculation, until it happens.

The poster I was responding to was comparing speculation concerning something that may have happened in the past - the landing of an alien spacecraft some 20 years earlier - with speculation about the future of space travel. My claim was that these are two different things.

No, the Nazis don’t have a recovered alien space craft, they have a recovered holy artifact. They’re using ancient Hebrew technology against our alien technology.

Ahh, I understand.

Well, they were, until their faces melted.

Well, there’s always Starship Troopers.

I can see why a ‘white’ over-exposed subject would block out a black line…

But the pads have ABSOLUTELY NO DUST IN THEM after a rocket blast [with the rough equivalent of 1/6th of the power needed to hold a light helicopter up on earth? I figure the lander weighs approx = ‘a light heli’ and the moons gravity = 1/6th of earths]

So imagine a 1/6th scale heli landing atop of a parking lot full of talc. (talcum powder, right? not sand grains or small gravel) Or take a full light heli and imagine 1/6th of the resulting dust storm.

I just can’t believe that it would ALL be blown up, up and away and that none is going to get pulled down by that 1/6th gravity of the moon. The pads being literally ‘spotless’. … they don’t appear to have trace amounts!!

May I remind people, space may be a vacuum but a planet still has gravity. :slight_smile:

… and by the way, the guy from the bad atrology site is struggling for answers just like ‘us’, quote: “Note added December 6, 2001: Originally in this section I said that the engines also cut off early, before the moment of touchdown, to prevent dust from getting blown around and disturbing the astronauts’ view of the surface. This was an incorrect assertion; it was known that dust would blow around before the missions were launched, and steps were taken to make sure the astronauts knew their height above the surface. Anyway, the incorrect section has been removed.”

Maybe he’ll correct other bits as & when?
p.s you’ll notice he ‘ducked’ the ‘no dust on the pads’ question. :smiley:

p.p.s Thanks to those concerned for the info on the search bit. Cecils columns are more informitive than the FAQ for his own site. Is he slacking? :eek:

half way down the page:

This site gives the lander weight as ‘less than 3 tons on the moon’. The previous bad astronomy site gave the rocket power at landing as 3,000 lbs.

A rocket motor has thrown up a mini-dust strom around this object and there’s no dust in it?

I actually believe that they probably went up there for no other reason than they couldn’t have kept the secret with so many, for so long… but when something insults your inteligence [yes, I’m used to it of ‘her’] but if it’s a govt. body…

Sure looks like there’s dust in that!

First of all, understand that (and this is important) we’re humoring you. There is very little chance that you’re going to convince anyone here that the moon landings were faked because the whole theory is crackpot insane nonsense better suited to the mutterings of a homeless person wandering in front of the bus station than it is to actual scientific inquiry.

There is no second of all.