Most Recently Seen Bad Movies - Warn Others

(No) Thanks to Continental Airlines, I’ve recently been subjected to:

  1. The Johnson Family Vacation.
    What. An. Awful. Movie. Utter crap, trite and stupid.

  2. Jersey Girl.
    I couldn’t watch after the first 15 minutes – too depressing. Probably the worst acting by ‘name’ actors that I’ve ever seen. Ben Affleck should just become a used-car salesman, already. That’s clearly his calling.

  3. Starsky & Hutch.
    This movie is watchable, because it has some cute bits. Otherwise, it’s basically lame and inept. Any one of several old plots from the TV show would have been preferable. Ben Stiller and Owen Wilson looked uncomfortable, like they were stunned to actually be working on such a piece of crap.

I’m going to see Dodgeball at the Clyde Theatre next week – I’ll let you know.

I’ll throw in another warning to not see Hulk. Boring, stupid, and poorly-conceived (Hulk dogs?!) with awful special effects and horrible “ooh, look how comic book-y I’m being” directing.

And while I suspect that everyone who’s ever going to see it has already done so, I just want to make absolutely sure no one has to suffer through Underworld.

One of my top ten of last year.


And I liked Collateral a lot, too.

Well, I found the “over-the-top” business mind-numbingly boring and nearly didn’t see the second one because the first was so repetitively atrocious. I was actually relieved to discover that something resembling actual people and character and emotion emerged as a result. I’ll take “two hours of talking” (a gross exaggeration anyway) over three hours of too-cool-for-school hacking away.

Dude, what are you talking about? Any movie that shows Pink Power Ranger’s boobies deserves least two stars! :wink:

I’ll provide The Day After Tomorrow (I think that’s the title…it is that ice age movie with Dennis Quaid). 11.3 on the Suckitude Scale with bonus suck points for Dennis Quaid glaring at the camera and proclaiming “I made a promise to my son!” Arrrggghh. I would have rather spent the two hours using my toothbrush to clean the stains out my hotel room carpet.

Another vote here for (against?) Cabin Fever. And would somebody tell me why the hell I rented The Core? I guess I just wanted to see how bad it could be.

It was worse.

This thread is an example of why I ignore the advice of most movie critics and especially amatuer movie critics on a message board. Don’t get me wrong, there are a ton bad movies out there, but it’s all in the eye of the beholder. What’s tripe to one might be a gem to another. I guess I’m just happy that I’m more easily entertained by a movie than a lot of you. I seldom feel like I waste my money at a theater, and I go to a lot of movies.

I do agree with Indygrrl on the dislike for stupid comedies.

I was thinking the same thing. Might be a good idea to consult Rotten Tomatoes before adding movies.

The Village: 44%
Hulk: 60%
Starsky & Hutch: 63%
Hidalgo: 49%
The Core: 40%
Cabin Fever: 62%
The Day After Tomorrow: 46%
Kill Bill vol. 2: 85%
School of Rock: 90%
Underworld: 30%
Johnson Family Vacation: 6%
Jersey Girl: 40%
Troy: 56%
Collateral: 86%
The Terminal: 64%
Shrek 2: 90%
Spiderman 2: 93%
Home on the Range: 52%
Harold & Kumar Go To White Castle: 73%

Out of all those movies, only Johnson Family Vacation is the one to absolutely avoid.

I recently flew back on forth across the country… and got royally screwed by the movie they subjected me to.
The Whole Ten Yards - I yanked my headphones out of my ears after about the first 30 seconds.

Thirteen Going on Thirty - Actually watched the whole thing because I unexpectedly finished the book I had brought (didn’t realize the last third was footnotes/bibliography). I’ve been less insulted by having my face slapped.

These movies were worse than the airline foo’d.

…what the good God is wrong with, “I got hit by some gamma rays”? :confused:

I mean, seriously. “I got hit by some gamma rays.” Just say it. It rolls off the tongue. “I got hit by some gamma rays.”

So when Bruce Banner goes through all the confusing shit, where they try to explain why the guy can change his size from big to small and back again, maybe the producers and writers could have stuck with:

"I got hit by some gamma rays."

Takes about 10 seconds to explain. As opposed to the hour of exposition on why, scientifically, it works. I don’t give a rat’s ass. I don’t care if it’s not scientifically explainable or plausible.

For Chrissakes, I already buy the idea of a hulking green behemoth traipsing through the streets breaking things. I will buy “I got hit by some gamma rays.”

Then you have an extra hour to devote to showing The Hulk breaking other things. :rolleyes:


I guess nobody else saw “the Stepford Wives.” The remake I mean. Well, you all saved yourselves $10.50 and two hours that you can’t get back.

Shrill, obvious, broad (no pun intended), loud, flat humor, and an ending that flies in the face of everything that had been established very concretely. (“Their not robots after all!”, then explain the inflatable boobs, Bette’s ability to resist flames, and Faith’s ability to spit money.)

I’m curious. Did you like the first one?

You pretty much summed up my reaction to Hulk. I also found the last fight scenes very annoying – they were so dark I could barely see what was going on.

I’d like to cast another unvote for Spider-Man 2. I really enjoyed that movie.

Just for the record, the Pink Ranger is not in Cabin Fever and you don’t get to see her boobies.

I’m sorry to all this disappoints.

Tonight, I watched the worst movie I have ever seen…

Midnight Mass.

Based on a very good short story by F. Paul Wilson, Midnight Mass is a mess. It looks as though it was shot on an beat-up old VHS-C camcorder, and the cinematography is about the best thing in the movie! The acting, the script, the sets, are all really, really cheesy, and not in a good way.

This movie redefines low-budget. Next to it, The Giant Spider Invasion (my worst of all time until tonight) actually looks well-funded!

I picked it up because I liked the short story it was based on. My expectations weren’t high… in fact, they were downright rock-bottom, and I still got ripped off!

Ahh but the Yellow Power Ranger was. I dunno if you got to see her boobies though.

I loved * Shrek* and thought the music was great for it.

Today though, at the insistence of my daughter we went to * The Princess Diaries 2* OMG how insiped. It doesn’t rate the sheer revulsion that Ishtar did but oh dear.

I for one saw *Shrek *and was unenthused enough that I plan to actively avoid Shrek 2.

Ah yes. My bad. That would be the Yellow Power Ranger. I bow to your superior Power Ranger knowledge. :wink:

BTW, TellMeI’mNotCrazy, there is definite Yellow Power Ranger boobage in Cabin Fever. However, I would bet that your time and pocketbook would be better served if you just checked them out online and avoided the movie.