Movies with deceptive or completely unclear titles

The title ***I Am Legend ***makes sense in Richard Matheson’s book, but not in Will Smith’s movie.

In the book, the title refers to the hero’s last realizations before he’s killed by the vampires:

  1. The vampires are TERRIFIED of him, far more afraid than he ever was of them.

  2. In a world of vampires, HE’S the monster, and THEY’RE the normal ones!

  3. Long after he’s dead, he’ll be remembered by the vampires, who’ll tell their kids scary stories of the human monster who roamed about in the daytime and put stakes through vampire hearts.

After he dies, he’ll become a legend among vampires.

Quantum of Solace (incidentally one of only two James Bond movies I’ve ever seen in a theatre) has a title that seems simply an attempt to be cool at first glance, but after you’ve watched the entire film and thought about the title, makes a nice, poetic sort of sense. (And yes, I’m aware that the meaning is made clear in the short story from which the title if not the plot is taken.)

Erin Brockovich
Michael Collins
John Carter

Without knowing anything about the characters named, which one of these would you guess takes place on Mars?

Sling Blade. Sounds like a slasher/vampire movie.

The Princess Bride sounds like the title of fairy tale movie targeted for the little kiddies.

Never seen it, not interested in a movie about a bunch of people in a fight club.

Blue Velvet. And National Velvet.

BUtterfield 8.


Seriously tho, I think that’s part of the reason I have such a hard time with parody now - I thought that movie was dead serious the first 100 or so times I watched it as a little kid. Something like that has to warp your brains.
I submit Super-8 and Chocolat both of which I enjoyed, but didn’t watch for forever based on the titles, and both of which the titles are related to the plot, but not exactly the main point.

October Sky makes no sense other than being an anagram for its source material, Rocket Boys. Apparently they changed it because they though women wouldn’t see a movie titled “Rocket Boys”.

Cat On A Hot Tin Roof is not a very clear title.

I’m not a sports fan and I’ve heard “Cinderalla story” in this context. BUT I never heard Cinderalla Man, so it did confuse me a little.

The amazing thing with the Princess Bride as it can be watched straight and it can be watched satirically and it’s good either way!

I can name two things wrong with that title! [/Nelson Muntz]

I never knew that!

Dick. One of my favorite movies. I tried telling my mother about it, but she wouldn’t hear it. She did the “la la la I can’t hear you” thing.

Doper favorites Brazil and Blade Runner aren’t very revealing

I was also sorely disappointed that 400 Blows wasn’t a bukkake movie.

Well, Pink Flamingos ain’t about lawn ornaments…

I always thought Africa Screams was a strange title for an Abbot and Costello comedy, until I heard about Africa Speaks!

Especially as a different Michael Collins orbited the moon.

My next submission - Cloverfield doesn’t suggest monster/disaster zone flick.

The Babe is not about a hot chick. It’s about a fat dude playing baseball.

While Babe is about a right pig.

Great choice. Do you know what Cloverfield actually meant? I didn’t catch the reference in the movie, but I wasn’t really paying attention. It really did feel like a left field title.

Of course it is. There’s nothing deceptive about a movie called “The Babe” being about “The Babe.”

Also, is Little Nemo screwing with us? I can’t tell.

And Bringing up Baby is not about parents of an infant.