My atomic clock's time is wrong

Dang! Now what do I tell the boss? :mad:

I believe sp/


Actually, you’ll have to change it in April and September, when the watch tries to correct for DST, and then again in March and November* when the new DST goes into effect.

Our tax dollars at work.

It’s a known fact that Iran is developing it’s nuclear capabilities not for weapons but to take over the atomic clock industry. Whoever controls the atomic clocks can control the world through time manipulation. The only safe bet is for everyone to own a sundial.

The Agilent 5071A Primary Frequency Standard uses a cesium beam tube to keep very accurate time. A refurbished one will run you about USD50,000. Be aware that they are finicky bastards and, when the cesium beam tube is used up (about 9 years), it costs about USD40,000 to replace.

Even a zombie is correct twice a day.

Actually, it’s the electrons.

We’ve been doing it for years. Takes very large machines to accomplish it.

There was no need to resurrect a five-year-old thread for this bit of silliness. Don’t do this again. I’m closing this thread.

In before close! I think you forgot something, Gary.

Thanks, Cheshire. I missed that little checkbox…

Now the thread is closed.